Controversial opinions on metal

Meshuggah are technical and complex in rhythm only. Most of their riffs consist of only three or four chords (or so it sounds), and the guitars are tuned down so low and have such extreme distortion on them that the music essentially sounds purely rhythmic in nature. Meshuggah are good musicians, and are good at what they do, but I personally can only listen to them in small doses, as they tend to get boring rather quickly for me.
Oh yeah, and seeing your sig reminds me to throw this out there: Primordial are the most overrated band on this forum.

I'm a fan and I'll say they're overrated. Their newer stuff is boring as hell but everybody seems to blow their load over it. There's some definite gems to be found in their older stuff though imo.
Primordial write really good riffs, but their song structures are simple and repetitive. Each song consists of maybe three riffs only, but for some reason it's doesn't sound monotonous and doesn't get boring, perhaps because of their use of multiple guitar tracks, and their tendency to throw in an additional track over the same riff to make it sound a bit different. Not to sound "gay," but Primordial's music is among the most heartfelt and moving I've ever heard. That's why I like them; I don't like them for the complexity of their songs or how hard their music is to play.
The only reason I even said "not to be 'gay'" was just for insurance, so people wouldn't be calling me "gay" for posting that. Believe me, I don't think in those terms, but I thought I would throw that in there because a lot of people on here do.
Stop talking about "gay"ness, it's really fucking annoying and makes you seem like a douche tbh

I wanted to say the same thing.*

*I know I call things gay all the time, but at least I'm not always like 'I don't mean to sound "gay", but...' or 'I know this seems really "gay" but I'm not really "gay" honestly I don't even listen to "gay" music because my taste is narrow.'
haha People stopped saying that after BigDave left. I think it sucks that I have to say anything along those lines in the first place here. But it's just the internet, so I shouldn't give a shit.
The only reason I even said "not to be 'gay'" was just for insurance, so people wouldn't be calling me "gay" for posting that. Believe me, I don't think in those terms, but I thought I would throw that in there because a lot of people on here do.

It's alright, man. Nobody thinks you're "gay". After all, you have big muscles and all the broads you date are smaller than you.
The only people who randomly sprinkle "gay" in posts are people you shouldn't listen to anyway (except Cythraul sometimes).
Saying gay alot just draws attention to the fact that you seem to have an unnatural obsession with the word.
I don't say gay a lot, but a lot of people on here do. "lifting weights is gay..." "what's the gayest thing you listen to?" "eating right is gay..." "mean who care about how they look are gay..." "It's gay to show emotion.." blah blah blah it goes on and on. I guess it shouldn't mean you have to preface everything "questionable" to these people with "not be be gay" though.

anyways, back on topic

I think the bm scene is just as strong now as it was in the early 1990s. (I don't know if I can say the same for dm, though).
I think it's because of Anal Cunt.

Probably. There's just no other insult that has the same ring to it. I mean, you can say 'that's shit', 'that sucks', 'you suck', but saying 'you're fucking gay' just seems to deliver so much better. I actually prefer to call people the n-word but I'd probably get banned if I started doing that.