Controversial opinions on metal

Emperor's Anthems is actually a pretty good album despite the somewhat poor production( I redownloaded it recently) I don't understand why there's so much backlash against it in the underground. Sure, the sound is quite busy, but I find that the music is pleasantly hypnotic, if you put in the effort to untangle the "mess". Considering the amount of poorly recorded albums that are considered the epitome of art, the negative criticism against this album confounds me.

Who the hell dislikes that album?! It's probably my favorite album ever, bar none, hands fucking down. I thought it was universally revered as a classic of the genre? When did this backlash thing you're talking about happen? It's a dense, swirling, cosmic mindfuck of a record, an untouchable masterpiece whose glory nothing can ever replicate.
Who the hell dislikes that album?! It's probably my favorite album ever, bar none, hands fucking down. I thought it was universally revered as a classic of the genre? When did this backlash thing you're talking about happen? It's a dense, swirling, cosmic mindfuck of a record, an untouchable masterpiece whose glory nothing can ever replicate.

:erk: I want to like it, I really do...
Who the hell dislikes that album?! It's probably my favorite album ever, bar none, hands fucking down. I thought it was universally revered as a classic of the genre? When did this backlash thing you're talking about happen? It's a dense, swirling, cosmic mindfuck of a record, an untouchable masterpiece whose glory nothing can ever replicate.

See my response.
GwC is catchy as hell, and I can see how it's a good stepping stone for getting into death metal. I haven't listened to that album in ages, but I wouldn't say I hate it.
this.It's a pretty decent album. I also thought it was really great at first, but then the excitement wore off. I'll have to listen to it again.
I'll throw something out there. The only Pantera album where I actually listen to the entire CD is Cowboys From Hell. The other ones have some great songs but in general the albums are horrible.
Emperor's Anthems is actually a pretty good album despite the somewhat poor production( I redownloaded it recently) I don't understand why there's so much backlash against it in the underground. Sure, the sound is quite busy, but I find that the music is pleasantly hypnotic, if you put in the effort to untangle the "mess". Considering the amount of poorly recorded albums that are considered the epitome of art, the negative criticism against this album confounds me.

i think the backlash stems from its popularity and acclaim. if it were obscure then it would be receiving all kinds of accolades from tr00 black metallers.
Back to controversial words for a second. I think it's really interesting what different cultures use as vulgar words. In English all our swears relate to sex or bodily excrement of some kind (fuck, shit, piss). In French Canadian (maybe French too I don't know) many of the swears are related to the church (tabernac!) because it is more shocking to use a religious term in vain than to mention something like sex. Correct me if I'm wrong Ben_t
I believe if he read that he would respond with a "no way punk, walk on home.":lol: The lyrics are laughably bad.
On Vulgar and Far Beyond. Lyrics on GSTK, CFO, and RTS are fine. Besides which, lyrics? If you like any death metal at all you can't make fun of Pantera's lyrics.
Now that would be interesting.

Also if you listen to metal based on lyrics then I guess you shouldn't be listening to half of the metal genre.