Totally rad.
Well, I'm very much skeptical about overrating albums. My ratings go very deep. Anything that gets a 90% or more from me I'm going to be calling an amazing album probably for the rest of my life (or my rating is wrong).
If there's a song on an album I don't particulary care for then that album is not worthy of a 100% because it's not 100% amazing all the way through. If there's something with the production or vocals of an album it will hold it back as well. I'm so through that I would even go far enough to say a shitty guitar solo or chorus would hold an album back from getting a 100%.
Not everyone is like me when rating an album, however, & I think there's a problem with that. Some people will listen to an album twice & say it's teh best album evar giving it 100% & the same thing happens with the 0% too. I honestly do not ever recall hearing a metal album that I hated so much I would give it a 0%.
You know what I think the problem is? The entire 0-100% rating system. That means there are 100 different possible ratings you can give any given album (or 101 if you count 0). How is that supposed to work? "Well, this record would get an 85%, but that I didn't like that trill in the solo on track 4 at 3:36, so I gave it an 84%." IMO, the more ratings you have to choose from, the more thorough and in-depth your analysis must be to effectively decide on a final score. Not that there's anything wrong with that principle in general, but in this case it seems excessive for the purposes of an album review.
In the few cases where I've reviewed there, I could only ballpark my rating to within 10 points and basically picked a random number in that range as my final choice. There are plenty of reviews posted that seem considerably less thought-out as you suggested, so I can't imagine how arbitrarily they go about choosing a rating. Perhaps some people are capable of nitpicking that much, but I'm not and don't really see a need to. But if I was, I'd definitely agree that almost no record, no matter how awesome, would get a 100% from me under that system. It's not like grading an exam, which is more objective and systematic. A 1-10 scale with the possible option of half-points seems sufficient for the purposes of creative art forms.