Controversial opinions on metal

Heavily distorted fast thrashy riffs and chugging palm-muted riffs aren't metal? I did not get this memo. Also, not that this is great proof or the supreme source, the most scrutinizing archive of metal bands disagrees with you.

So fucking what I could careless.

There is no thrashy riffs and know how many rock bands have heavy distorted guitars and even palm mute.

go clean or something. good god

I have superunknown. It's an excellent album. I'd say it's a mix of metal, hard rock, and grunge. Some songs are more metal, some are grungier. The sound isn't metal, though, which is probably what throws people off. Stuff like Let Me Drown is totally fucking metal, though.
I have superunknown. It's an excellent album. I'd say it's a mix of metal, hard rock, and grunge. Some songs are more metal, some are grungier. The sound isn't metal, though, which is probably what throws people off. Stuff like Let Me Drown is totally fucking metal, though.

Despite saying Mailman was a really heavy song, I refrained from saying Superunknown was metal itself, because it has the least metal elements when compared with Badmotorfinger. I'll concede as well that not all songs on Badmotorfinger are metal, but then again not all of Opeth's songs are metal either.
Despite saying Mailman was a really heavy song, I refrained from saying Superunknown was metal itself, because it has the least metal elements when compared with Badmotorfinger. I'll concede as well that not all songs on Badmotorfinger are metal, but then again not all of Opeth's songs are metal either.

Stuff can be heavy without being metal, anyhow.
But yeah. I've heard some stuff off Badmotorfinger and it sounds more metal. But, bad metal. I probably should get the whole album, though.

I don't think of Soundgarden as a metal band, though. And I didn't realize other people did. Always thought of them as grunge.
Strange as hell fact: Metal-Archives lists Soundgarden as metal. Which I thought was very weird until I found out that they also include Alice in Chains.

I adore grunge. It was a necessary bridge for me between classic rock and metal. But now adays going back and listening to it I can't help but to constantly compare it to metal and think of what changes they could make to make it into metal.

edit: haha I must have been behind on a page or something.
Opinion: any kind of Metal labelled as "industrial" sounds much better with a drum computer than a live drummer. Generator being the exception,.
I guess it would be controversial to say that drum computers are preferable over real drummers under any circumstances, but I very much agree.
Alice In Chains are originally a metal band and Facelift is actually a metal album(the riffs,solos,vocals,etc..). Soundgarden on the other other hand no. End

I love how offended you are, it's cute.

Come over and clean. It's really clean here but my bathroom could use a tad bit of cleaning(it's not to bad) and than we can get to more important things.