Controversial opinions on metal

Did anyone else ever notice that a lot of newer Dream Theater songs blatantly rip off Muse? It's especially funny because the time period where they started doing it coincides with the interviews they did where they talked about how cool Muse was.

Fuck, Dream Theater take from tons of influences including Megadeth, Genesis, Metallica, Muse, ELP, Yes & Zappa; among others. They've said so many times, & they're not hiding anything. It's much better than some bedroom black band listening to "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" & trying to find 500+ ways to mix-match the songs so they can say they wrote them & get away with it.
I'm a big fellater of Dream Theater & I've never heard of anyother DT EP unless it's something in Europe. Don't just fucking say "negative" like you know it all, explain your fucking self. I would like to hear something of another secret DT EP.

Fucking ok, I'll fucking explain my fucking self. Their fucking other fucking EP was fucking entitled fucking Forsaken. You fucking probably fucking could fucking have fucking found that fucking out if you fucking checked metal fucking archives.