Controversial opinions on metal

Did anyone else ever notice that a lot of newer Dream Theater songs blatantly rip off Muse? It's especially funny because the time period where they started doing it coincides with the interviews they did where they talked about how cool Muse was.

Yeah that was one thing that put me off Octavarium, the blatant rip-offs. One track was a U2 rip-off as well as the Muse track already mentioned.

I realize this might be truly controversial but I regard TRain of Thought as one of their best, if not tthe best, moment. The rivaling albums to the throne are Images and Words as well as Awake (probably in that order).

I didnt "get" Scenes From a Memory for years but suddenly it clicked and its behind these three albums. Octavarium on the other hand is a hard one for me. I absolutely LOVE the title track. Probably one of my favorite songs ever. The rest of the album is bland and boring and filled with rip-offs. But since Octavarium (the track) is about 30 minutes long its worth getting the cd for.

That leaves Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (I havent hear anything else by Dream Theater enough to judge it). Actually I cant really judge this one either. Seperately the track from disc 1 are mostly good but there is something boring about listening to all of it. I used to love cd 2 but it was a long time since I heard it now and I cant judge it that well. It reminds me of Symphony X's "The Odyssey". While I prefer DT overall that SX song is one of the best I have ever heard. Yes, Im a sucker for long songs :)
I think it's a good thing when established bands like Dream Theater draw influence from bands to come after them. I see too many legendary bands stick to the same style they got popular with, sometimes ripping off a popular recent band in a hopeless attempt to modernize their music.

And Muse is damn good too.
DT also tends to be one of those few 'clean vocal' bands ONLY EXTREME METL!!111 people listen to along with DragonForce and Evanescence, and they aren't aware it's all shitty because they're already totally adverse to anything good in the genres.
^What a bizarre and inaccurate comment

You people suck I swear. This is the obvious and correct order of their discography:

1. Images And Words
2. Scenes From A Memory
3. Awake
4. Systematic Chaos
5. Six Degress Of Inner Turbulence
6. Octavarium
7. Train Of Thought
8. When Dream And Day Unite
9. Falling Into Infinity


edit: Systematic Chaos could easily be tied @ #3 for me as well. That album is so underrated.

ToT > Six Degrees and Octavarium by a good deal, Scenes is their best, and Awake > Images. Personally speaking. I agree with the general shape of your list, though.

Yeah that was one thing that put me off Octavarium, the blatant rip-offs. One track was a U2 rip-off as well as the Muse track already mentioned.

I realize this might be truly controversial but I regard TRain of Thought as one of their best

They wore their influences too openly on Octavarium, for sure. Root of All Evil was good, though, as was the title track

ToT was much better than people give it credit for, In The Name of God is one of their best songs, and This Dying Soul is great too
I don't think a band is automatically bad if they rip off another band a bit, I don't think all nu-metal is bad and I think every album from metallica is good. with that, I actually like metallica through reload the most.
I don't even remember saying that Dream Theater was bad for copying Muse a bit on some recent songs, he just took it as an automatic negative and made a claim about my favorite bands that he can't back up. ;)