Controversial opinions on metal

Oh, that's right. You can't actually tell me because it isn't true.

I can't tell you because I don't give a shit. I'm not wasting my time trying to make you look stupid.

I don't even remember saying that Dream Theater was bad for copying Muse a bit on some recent songs, he just took it as an automatic negative and made a claim about my favorite bands that he can't back up. ;)

You didn't say it was bad that DT did that, nor did I claim you said that. I just thought your statement was pretty stupid is all, I didn't take any thing any way. Stop assuming stuff that isn't true.
Not really, I can't see the point of saying something like that if what I said didn't upset you, especially since what you said really isn't true and was just you trying to insult me for no real reason. :rolleyes:

Maybe just once you can admit that you're wrong, since you are and you were trying to insult me for a stupid and invalid reason that makes no sense.
It didn't upset me, it's just very annoying that anytime a band is mentioned that you don't like you just have to say something negative about them. We get it, you don't like a plethora of bands, no one cares. You started the "insulting" (even though I never formally insulted you) with the fanboy comment, so don't get mad at me or start making stuff up because you disagree with me. Also, I'm not wrong.
It didn't upset me, it's just very annoying that anytime a band is mentioned that you don't like you just have to say something negative about them. We get it, you don't like a plethora of bands, no one cares. You started the "insulting" (even though I never formally insulted you) with the fanboy comment, so don't get mad at me or start making stuff up because you disagree with me. Also, I'm not wrong.

I don't think a band is automatically bad if they rip off another band a bit, I don't think all nu-metal is bad and I think every album from metallica is good. with that, I actually like metallica through reload the most.

Reload? No way! St. Anger is hands down the best Metallica album. I mean it has everything... perfect production, awesome lyrics, and amazing technicality!
Opinions are like assholes, and we don't want to see the shit ringlets hanging down from yours.

Your lack of hygiene does not make the opinion that everyone else doesn't know how to wipe a valid one.

If you really don't like reading my opinions, there is an ignore function on this forum that may come in handy for you and anyone else who has a hard time accepting that people don't always agree with each other.
Obviously that wasn't my point. Someone is grasping at straws now.

The only grasping at straws that I see is you denying that you tried to insult my taste in music because I said something you didn't like about a band you listen to. I'm done talking about it, because that's exactly what's going on, and I really don't need to defend myself from your ridiculous attempt to turn this into something else.

For someone who claims that people who are overly negative are annoying, you certainly are overly negative. Get over it already and stop attacking me every single time that I post something that you don't like. If it bothers you that much, you can put me on ignore. Maybe then I can finally post in this thread without an idiot attacking me every time that I do.
Holy shit, exaggerate much? Not too much, much too much. (that's an ace ventura quote incase you didn't know, NOT an insult to your fragile little mind)

The only grasping at straws that I see is you denying that you tried to insult my taste in music because I said something you didn't like about a band you listen to.

Listen to me very carefully:

The point was that a lot of the bands you listen to probably do the same thing. Where you got this idea that I was somehow insulting your taste in music is beyond me. I don't even know think Dodens could explain that one.

I'm done talking about it, because that's exactly what's going on, and I really don't need to defend myself from your ridiculous attempt to turn this into something else.

I'm not trying to turn this in to anything. You are the one who got all pissy with me and starting insinuating god knows what.

For someone who claims that people who are overly negative are annoying, you certainly are overly negative.

Could that have been anymore irrelevant?

Get over it already and stop attacking me every single time that I post something that you don't like. If it bothers you that much, you can put me on ignore. Maybe then I can finally post in this thread without an idiot attacking me every time that I do.

:lol: wtf? You started this shit, deal with it. Also, it'd probably help if you refrained from posting "durr such and such band is stupid, they suck, they just rip people off, blah fucking blah" because that's about the gist of your posts most of the time regarding bands someone else likes. Maybe then all of the idiots around here would leave you alone.