Controversial opinions on metal

Shut the fuck up kthxbai.

Ozzy is not (objectively) a good singer but his vocals work wonders for Black Sabbath. End of story.
he's better than all the losers who have to scream everything to hide that they can't really sing, ex. any death metal or black metal singer

...First you start that nu metal thread, and now this. Now, some members here like nu metal to a certain extent, but if you like nu metal and hate death and black metal, you're at the wrong forum.
Give him time. It took me several months to adjust to extreme vocals.

AwesomeGuy I recommend a band like Borknagar that interplays clean and rough vocals. That's the band that helped me acclimatize to Black Metal.
Give him time. It took me several months to adjust to extreme vocals.

AwesomeGuy I recommend a band like Borknagar that interplays clean and rough vocals. That's the band that helped me acclimatize to Black Metal.

I don't think I'm ever gonna like black metal, but I've been able to adjust to the hard vocals in some slipknot songs like left behind, that's sorta close.
AwesomeGuy, I think you should stick to the Old School section of this forum. Those guys seem to line up more with your taste and I think you will have a more enjoyable forum experience over there.
Fucking ok, I'll fucking explain my fucking self. Their fucking other fucking EP was fucking entitled fucking Forsaken. You fucking probably fucking could fucking have fucking found that fucking out if you fucking checked metal fucking archives.

God fucking damn it, I fucking checked on the fucking metal fucking archives before I fucking posted & that is not really even a fucking true EP. It's a fucking glorified fucking single remix with two fucking live tracks added as a fucking bonus.
he's better than all the losers who have to scream everything to hide that they can't really sing, ex. any death metal or black metal singer


Harsh vocals are just as valid of a singing style as clean vocals are; they're just more abrasive. The fact that you can't understand this, proves your ignorance/stupidity (I'll let you pick which one).
God fucking damn it, I fucking checked on the fucking metal fucking archives before I fucking posted & that is not really even a fucking true EP. It's a fucking glorified fucking single remix with two fucking live tracks added as a fucking bonus.

My post was better. But still, it clearly says EP regardless of whether or not it's "true," whatever that means.
objectively? if someone sounds good singing they're a good singer, that's all there is to it.

Example disproving this statement: Jonas Renkse of Katatonia. By all means not a good singer. At all. His voice just fits the music and his emotion makes up for his lack of actual vocal ability. But not a good singer. Layne Stayley could sing. And he had emotion. Sounding good does not make you a good singer. I could fit myself into just about any musical niche, but by no means am I a good singer. I can just sound good enough. A good singer can do much more with pitch, tone, vibrato, etc than others.
It is usually alot easier to growl/scream than to clean sing really good, though.

This is something I can say is objectively true from experience (I do both and it can be heard in our stuff). I still disagree, as does everyone else, with his connecting of that to the idea that the style is aurally inferior. Good growling ftw.