Controversial opinions on metal

I personally always enjoyed his vocals. He's got a unique voice, and his snarl is cool. I just can't stand he pronounces some words, like tornado in "Eye of the Tornado". Drives me nuts.
mustaine sounds like a constipated duck sometimes haha

slayer's first 3 are some of the best music ever, shut the fuck up and die in pussy faggot hell if you believe otherwise
Dave Mustaine is without a doubt one of the worst and most annoying vocalists ever.
I have to disagree with you guys. Mustaine's voice has never been a concern for me. His lack of real vocal skill shows more on later albums where he actually tries to sing, but on those early albums his voice works great. Imagine a song like Peace Sells with someone else on vocals and the song loses all its charm.
I think he's gotten better and better, even though 'Risk' is trashed a lot if you listen to it he goes more into a lead singer kind of role and handles it well, far better than he would have before. Now all the Megadeth material since then just needs to not be coma-inducing.
There is nothing wrong with Mustaine's vocals and Rust In Peace is one of the greatest thrash albums ever (right after Dimension Hatröss, Think This and Control and Resistance)