Controversial opinions on metal

I like the way Satanstoenail once put it; it's meant to be a 28-minute blast of sharp aggression, that doesn't let up.

That's really all the album is meant to be, and it's amazing because of it. If you're expecting it to be something it's not, you're a fucking faggot.
the backlash against reign in blood has got to have been the single most retarded metalhead trend of the past few years

I have to agree. Why can't people just accept that it fucking owns?
That said, Kreator > Slayer, although I do not own any Kreator pre-Extreme Aggression and am making this call based on Coma of Souls, Extreme Aggression, and the last two versus everything by Slayer Hell Awaits on minus God Hates Us All (which I don't have...:))
I never even knew that there was a "backlash" against RiB... It much be some pseudo internet super elitist crock of shit.
No, it's because the album has almost no substance to it. It does decent for just straight out thrashing, but other Slayer albums do that much better. RIB is just some half-assed riffs played really fast, there really isn't any more to it. Also, before you throw the 'it's meant to be an injection of pure aggresion' crap at me, I just don't see it as all that aggressive. It seems completely tame to me.
Black Friday: If that doesn't sound aggressive to you you might want to forgo listening to music altogether and just tape bar fights.
No, it's because the album has almost no substance to it. It does decent for just straight out thrashing, but other Slayer albums do that much better. RIB is just some half-assed riffs played really fast, there really isn't any more to it. Also, before you throw the 'it's meant to be an injection of pure aggresion' crap at me, I just don't see it as all that aggressive. It seems completely tame to me.

You're a fag.
seasons is so fucking MEDIOCRE, arggggghhh how can you even think seasons is better argalghfdjgskljhfdsjdslsjhfdglsjhgljh I HATE YOU I WANT TO KILL YOU SADLFAJDKLJ. ozzman you can doubly suck the flaming balls of death 'cause you don't like hell awaits.

to totally change the subject for a moment i really really fucking love devils tower to the point where its like my favourite track on angel witch (alongside sorceress, anyway), which is pretty weird considering it's a 2 and a half minute instrumental outro on an album packed full of classic songs. posting that here 'cause of said weirdness.
I prefer listening to SITA over RIB, that's how you faggot. I just like it more.

I'm honestly surprised Dodens didn't call me a faggot for not liking Hell Awaits given I like thrash the most out of all metal genres.
The Ozzman, you are a faggot for not liking Hell Awaits given you like thrash the most out of all metal genres.

I'm not Dodens, but it's still true.