Controversial opinions on metal

My friend refers to bands like Drudkh and Forest as foresty black metal, I guess his rationale is that they sound as if you were walking through a forest.
It's pretty obvious that he's either deaf or hates defining albums just to have differing opinions, though I'd wager it was the former judging by his signature.
80's Slayer is much better than 80's Sepultura. End

I find Meshuggah really overrated and majority of their music crappy, they use 7 now 8 string guitars and majority of their music you can play on 1 string with no more than one or a few notes(maybe 2 strings :lol:). I do like simple and repetitive music, but just find them really grating an boring.
I generally don't understand why you would want to create music that's unpleasant to listen to. It's just obnoxious.
I find Meshuggah really overrated and majority of their music crappy, they use 7 now 8 string guitars and majority of their music you can play on 1 string with no more than one or a few notes(maybe 2 strings :lol:). I do like simple and repetitive music, but just find them really grating an boring.
Shiad up, mofo. You don't understand a thing in good stuff.