Controversial opinions on metal

Human Mincer is now the best death metal band in the world. Pretty much.

I don't know because am not into the genre, maybe in brutal DM. They're not really a 'death metal band' and consider both very different.
I've listened to Telepathic With The Deceased multiple times and couldn't get into it. I'll give it another shot I guess. I mean, I really like the atmosphere. It's very eerie and twisted. I'm just picky about the guitars and drums. :erk: I've also heard Nocturnal Poisoning. I'm kind of on the fence with it.

Now, to be fair, I haven't heard a Leviathan full length. I've only heard bits and pieces from Tenth Sub Level and the Xasthur and Crebain splits. What full length would you recommend for a Leviathan newb?

To be honest, I have not heard all material from both projects. You asked for a full length but honestly, the best from both is the Xasthur/Leviathan split.

But anyway, check out Xasthur's Defective Epitaph and as far as Leviathan goes, I would recommend their newest, Massive Conspiracy Against All Life.
Controversial I guess:

I don't get why Leviathan and Xasthur get so much hype.

Because this exists:

Now, to be fair, I haven't heard a Leviathan full length. I've only heard bits and pieces from Tenth Sub Level and the Xasthur and Crebain splits. What full length would you recommend for a Leviathan newb?

Tenth Sublevel and Tentacles Of Whorror are pretty much equal. Whichever one you pick gives you the whole idea of the band.
Tenth Sublevel is a little more "suicidal" though. Tentacles is much filthier, and imo a far better release. I've been listening to them both a lot the last couple days.
Leviathan is under-appreciated. There's so much great stuff once you look past the full-lengths. I generally listen to the better tracks and seldom the whole things. Xasthur/Leviathan is clearly the best, but I also find the following splits worthy, usually just on the strength of the Leviathan songs:

Leviathan/Sapthuran (The Blind Wound)
Leviathan/Iuvenes (The Speed of Darkness)
Leviathan/Blackdeath (Portrait in Scars)

Then you can't go wrong with the Verrater and Howl Mockery at the Cross collections, and A Silhouette in Splinters, which is a wonderful ambient disc. I haven't even heard most of the demos. There's a wealth of consistently good and diverse material out there.

My favorite Xasthur picks are Subliminal Genocide, Xasthur/Nortt, and The Funeral of Being.
I'm gonna go ahead and address the Hibria thing. Not a bad band, but why is this one of the bands that "reaches across the aisle" and even fans of 'extreme' metal like and freak out about when clearly there are and have been bands out there with the same idea, but executed more powerfully? examples...Iron Savior..Running Wild...Grave Digger...Rebellion....Lost Horizon.....Manticora to an extent....those bands don't seem to share the same kind of broad appeal even though the songwriting is way better. The vocals aren't the same across the board, but the Hibria dude is 'typical power metal singer' if there ever was one. hate, but whats with the hype and where's the rest of the credit?
I like pretty much all the bands you listed, and I don't know where you're getting this idea that Hibria reaches across the aisle. They just pretty much play high concept and well written progressive-ish power metal. It's good music.
Just different people I've talked to and stuff I've read is all. And the plethora of near-perfect reviews for the debut and all that, always with emphasis on the 'riffs', the 'intensity', and all that stuff, while I don't think it's bad but as someone who's absorbed a huge amount of power and classic metal, I just don't really hear the same thing at all....

I hope the new album is better, but right now I'm really missing why there's the level of excitement around the band that there is. I've felt the same way about Angra and Stratovarius. Well, Angra, depending on the song, I can totally understand..
So I listened to some of Slayers live stuff, and I've determined that RIBs lack of aggression is purely due to a bad studio performance. Live the songs kick ass.
I think it's been abundantly clear for a while now that Black Friday should not be allowed to talk about Slayer.