Controversial opinions on metal

Try Sons Of Northern Darkness then, it's not as raw as early Immortal and it reminds you more of classic good ol' catchy heavy metal than anything else.
I wouldn't say there's as much old school metal influence as there is thrash attitude rampaging throughout the album...and true, a song here and there can sound a bit monotonous.. but once you start picking everything apart, most of the songs are great. Demonaz once again pens some masterful lyrics as well...though there's one line in 'In My Kingdom Cold' that always leaves me :err:..
:zombie: you love BM but hate Immortal? I'm done with you :p

I still think it's pretty funny that we are pals and hardly agree on anything when it comes to music. ;)

But seriously, part of my problem with Immortal is that I have a hard time taking them seriously. If I hear any of their songs, I immediately think of that funny as hell "Call of the Wintermoon" video.
Yeah, I think that Morbid Angel/Malevolent Creation opinion is pretty funny too.

Controversial I guess:

I don't get why Leviathan and Xasthur get so much hype.

I don't agree with this but I can see where you are coming from. It actually took me a few listens to get into both because their music isn't exactly easy to digest at first. But maybe you should give them a try? It wouldn't hurt.
Yeah, I think that Morbid Angel/Malevolent Creation opinion is pretty funny too.

I don't agree with this but I can see where you are coming from. It actually took me a few listens to get into both because their music isn't exactly easy to digest at first. But maybe you should give them a try? It wouldn't hurt.

I've listened to Telepathic With The Deceased multiple times and couldn't get into it. I'll give it another shot I guess. I mean, I really like the atmosphere. It's very eerie and twisted. I'm just picky about the guitars and drums. :erk: I've also heard Nocturnal Poisoning. I'm kind of on the fence with it.

Now, to be fair, I haven't heard a Leviathan full length. I've only heard bits and pieces from Tenth Sub Level and the Xasthur and Crebain splits. What full length would you recommend for a Leviathan newb?
The Ten Commandments,Retribution, and Stillborn are classic and some of the best DM albums ever but still they have nothing on older Morbid Angel. MC really went through a shit period in the middle also.
I don't get the Xasthur thing either, and I went into it headfirst expecting exactly what it seems to be, since I love depressive/suicidal, atmospheric black metal..........and it was just sort of stillborn.