Controversial opinions on metal

If there are 10 better black metal albums than Xasthur/Leviathan this decade, I'd like to know what they are.

Hail - Inheritance Of Evilness
Faustcoven - Rising From Below The Earth
Drudkh - Forgotten Legends
Darkspace - Dark Space I
Paysage d'Hiver - Paysage d'Hiver
Mgła - Groza
Countess - Heilig Vuur
Zemial - In Monumentum
Misery's Omen - Hope Dies
Lunar Aurora - Andacht

+ an infinite amount more

Nocternity - Onyx
Algor - Úder pohanského hnevu
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Dark Tribe - In jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der tollwütigen Bestie
Bekhira - L' Elu Du Mal
Nav' - Halls of Death
Watain - Casus Luciferi
Sigrblot - Blodsband (Blood Religion Manifest)
Morrigan - Celts
Katharsis - Kruzifixxion

Pretty easy though, seeing as Xasthur fucking sucks.
Wasn't it you who decided after much rumination that he liked Nocturnal Poisoning? I forget. I think Nec likes it to an extent. I can name a shitload of stuff that's better also, but I still like some of Xasthur and Leviathan's work.

Funeral Mist - Salvation
Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung
Dub Buk - Idu na Wy!
Megiddo - Atavism of Evil
Craft - Terror Propaganda
Mütiilation - Majestas Leprosus
Veles - The Black Raven Flew Again
Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination
Damnation - Destructo Evangelia

So, now you got 30 albums that are better. Wasn't that hard was it? :)
Xasthur and the entire suicidal black metal thing is some of the dumbest music i've heard. sorry

Does not really sound like music to me.
There's a Half Price Books by my house that has some used copies of some Xasthur but I have delayed picking the shit up because I know people here have said the band sucks.
Andy, do you honestly think Ozzman has any chance of actually enjoying Xasthur? I can't possibly even imagine him liking it.
I've never understood the appeal of Leviathan(US) or Xasthur. I just can't get anything out of either band at all.