Controversial opinions on metal

Can you explain this at all? I doubt it, because you don't seem to know ANYTHING about music beyond metal music or, even more so, old-school metal. So please, explain.

Considering the opinions he said lacked credibility were about metal, this isn't really a good argument for you to pursue with him.

However, I'm mostly posting to call your crediblity into question for editing the wiki of a black metal band on in order to promote Interpol by claiming they were an influence on the band somehow, since that pretty much proves that you don't have any. :lol:
But isn't the more important question, "How does all this stuff stack up against Burzum, Darkthrone, Immortal, Enslaved, Necromantia, Bathory etc.?" I mean, you'd rather have Mike Mussina than Sidney Ponson, but he ain't pushing Sandy Koufax out of the Hall.

No, because unlike you, some of us don't listen to music exclusively from the 1990's and feel the need to compare everything to older bands. I realize that concept may be foreign to you, so I forgive you for obviously missing the point of this discussion.

The couple of times I've seen you since I joined, this was the only thing you talked about, so maybe you should find a new thing to complain about instead of repeating yourself to people who don't really care and won't be changed by what you have to say.
He's clearly some kind of ANUSite and usually they are pretty easy to just ignore because of their strictly traditionalist opinions which make discussing anything new with them difficult.

I'll retort with my typical reply though: art is not a battle to be won. "Stacking" art up against other art that is considered more classic or even more successful is not really how judging aesthetics works in my opinion. Art must always be seen in the context of its own existence first and foremost; judging it by the yardstick of history is really only getting into a fragment of what the art may invoke to someone who experiences it. How can you fault someone for liking, say, Marblebog over Burzum? Though the music may be pretty similar in some ways, the feelings invoked are pretty different. I always find it kind of funny that ANUS guys pretend to be the masters of "high" art (not to mention "nihilism"! Because rejecting values is cool and worthwhile on the Internet!) yet repeatedly demonstrate that they just don't understand it by making subversive attacks against those that "defile" their classics. Good times, good times.
What you're expressing isn't even controversial,'s downright trite. "Well I know what you mean and I like all kinds of 'great' music but I mean how can anyone like a lot of these things, it really is dumb, their opinions are pretty dumb! Fuck yeah nihilism!"
I don't listen to music exclusively from the 90s - I'm perfectly thrilled to listen to great music from any era or style, I just don't spend a lot of time listening to music that duplicates what I already like in crappier variations (i.e. not a lot of late 80s hardcore or post-1995 black metal). I see no great virtue in listening to mediocre music for the sake of pretending to be 'open-minded.'

I like how your argument consists of absolutely nothing beyond generalized statements and broad assumptions. The beauty of opinions is that not everyone has to feel the same way about everything.

Not everyone who listens to a wide array of music is pretending to be open-minded, or else you yourself must be as well since you just told me that you'll listen to music from any era or style. Once again, your opinion of what's good and what isn't is no more absolute than anyone else's, since it's an opinion.

Basically, you're looking to compare everything I just named in that post to classics from the 80's and 90's, which is something that I'm not particularly interested in. Not to mention the fact that some of them aren't very comparable to any of the artists you named in the first place, but maybe that's just my opinion, too.

I know you're trying to be annoying, but it's mostly just silly to me since your argument isn't original or something that would really anger me or anyone who understands how opinions work.

? I signed up, what, two hours ago? You not maka the sense.

It's not a secret that you've been here before under other names, but since you'd prefer to make it one, just forget I said anything about it.

Who is aiming for "controversy"? I'm just responding to where the thread is at this point. Controversy is one of those overly admired things - like "originality" - it's what people strive for when they don't have something to add to the emerging consensus.

You should probably also make up your mind about whether or not you like originality, since you just indicated to me that you do in an earlier post.
He's clearly some kind of ANUSite and usually they are pretty easy to just ignore because of their strictly traditionalist opinions which make discussing anything new with them difficult.

I'll retort with my typical reply though: art is not a battle to be won. "Stacking" art up against other art that is considered more classic or even more successful is not really how judging aesthetics works in my opinion. Art must always be seen in the context of its own existence first and foremost; judging it by the yardstick of history is really only getting into a fragment of what the art may invoke to someone who experiences it. How can you fault someone for liking, say, Marblebog over Burzum? Though the music may be pretty similar in some ways, the feelings invoked are pretty different. I always find it kind of funny that ANUS guys pretend to be the masters of "high" art (not to mention "nihilism"! Because rejecting values is cool and worthwhile on the Internet!) yet repeatedly demonstrate that they just don't understand it by making subversive attacks against those that "defile" their classics. Good times, good times.

it's like what I like to call the desert island test. Throw some music-oriented people on a desert island with some CD's they've never heard, of bands they've never heard of, so they're totally isolated from anything resembling history and hype, and see how different each opinion will likely turn out in comparison to the majority vote for each album on the mainland. It's important to have the clearest perception possible when it comes to the boiling point of judgment and intake of the music.
to that guy: ...the thread title is "Controversial opinions on metal." Therefore, I figured you were expressing a controversial opinion. Regardless, there is no music which can be objectified as "great" (duh), so I don't think you're doing a very good job making a point here. In fact, I'd like to go ahead and dissuade you from trying to make the point altogether, as you won't get really anywhere.
That is more about me being a dick on Last-Fm. I did not claim them to be an influence, just similar. I did try to promote them on a shitty social music website where similar artists are put together by which label they are on. This has nothing to do with my credibility.

Similar artists are put together by what fans of one band also listen to, not by record label.

I did not claim them to be an influence


your wiki said:
Circle of Ouroborus is a new band in this “experimental” or “outsider” black metal style, like Urfaust etc., while taking some influnces from Forgotten Woods, Joyless and dark post-punk like Joy Division and Interpol.
