Controversial opinions on metal


Sound familiar? That's every single song on the album.
It's not like it's a huge problem that renders it unlistenable - it's still a great album. But it is kind of annoying.
Are you kidding ?.

There is tons of awesome fills and cool patterns and things going on. you're deaf
That's fucking true, it sounds like total balls. Carnage has better drum production and plays the songs that ended up on LAEFS better overall anyway iirc.
I think one song ended up on LAEFS and besides that Fred's drumming on Dark Recollections is not nearly as good as the first Dismember.
LaES is thrashier and more catchy than DR. It's hard for me to objectively say which is better, since LaES is one of the first death metal albums I really got into, way back when I was first getting into death metal.
LAEFS is more memorable than DR. It was the first Swedish DM album I've heard. DR is just, lacking in structure, I dunno. I heard it after LaEFS, though, so that's maybe why I find it worse. I never really got intimately familiar with Carnage.

both albums slay, but LAEFS is just catchier and agreeing with DarkBliss it sort of lacks in structure
Dark Recollections rapes Like an Everflowing Stream, which, while excellent, too often relives the failures of hardcore by reusing the same transitional rhythmic patterns to get from fast to "slow" and back again over and over and over, to the point that, after a while, it starts to feel like the same story told 10 times with names changed to protect the innocent.

I agree, I've always liked DR better. Maybe for different reasons but yeah.
Terrestrial makes some interesting points/observations but I'm not sure I'm inclined to agree that DR is infact better than LAEF. I love them both but I am however biased *cough avatar cough*
Late '80s Testament has an almost unique ability to swing between awesome and awful or vice versa in moments, often several times in a song. One moment, they're smashing your head in with an awesome thrash riff, the next they change the tempo not because it improves the texture, pacing, or variation of the song, but because thrash (or more precisely, Puppets-era Metallica) is supposed to have lots of tempo changes. They'll play some boring-ass chord progression, or a Sedated Maiden harmony, or some mellow noodling, or drop the riff altogether only to bring it back a few seconds later. They could've been a top-shelf outfit if they could be coherent for more than two minutes rather than channeling the dregs of mid-80s Metallica in the most inappropriate places. It doesn't help that the closer is a plodding instrumental with no distorted guitar that tries to be melancholy but ultimately goes nowhere and does nothing, with no buildup, climax, or progression.

Gaahl's recent admission of his sexuality in an interview is ballsy enough that it actually led me to give him a modicum of respect where none previously existed. Now if only he and Infernus can stop this stupid drama circus over the Gorgoroth band name.