Controversial opinions on metal

I can't understand how anyone could like Kreator's 90's shit, like Endorama etc. It's just so fucking awful industrial/whatever shit it makes any human being's ears bleed to death. Their recent stuff ain't nowhere as good as Pleasure To Kill or Terrible Certainty, but it's still kinda decent. It's thrash atleast. Hordes Of Chaos is better than VR or EoG combined tho, but the Gothenburg-riffs and leads can get pretty annoying just like on the former two albums.

And some new extremely tr00 opinions:

Testament's Formation Of Damnation was kinda a disappointment.

Laaz Rockit are extremely underrated.

Tankard's new album is great, and so are Beast Of Bourbon and The Beauty And The Beer.

Exodus' Exhibit A is a good album. (It takes many listens to get fully into it)
I don't give a fuck about what anyone says. Testament's Formation of Damnation SLAYS and Exodus' The Atrocity Exibition.. Exibit A fucking slays as well :kickass:
Testament's Formation Of Damnation was kinda a disappointment.

I think its good but as with every Testament album they work better in small doses for me. I dont know if the songs sound to much the same or what it is but for some reason I generally feel like they should make shorter records and skip some of the stuff that isnt excellent.
I wish Souls of Black had good production. Some of the weakest production I have ever heard.
And yeah, Testament never seems to change tempo much which makes it difficult listening to an entire album straight through.
TFOD was a disappointment given all the hype, but still better than stuff like Souls of Black and Demonic

Jesus man, I think SoB is their best. The guitar playing is lightyears ahead of what they were doing before then. I don't even think the production is bad at all, especially when compared to a lot stuff guys here go apeshit over. I mean come the fuck on: early Darkthrone production Vs. "Souls of Black" production?? No comparrison. "Souls of Black" is Testament's "And Justice For All" & likewise they are my favorite albums from both bands.

"Demonic" on the other hand is fucking terrible as is the new album. Yuck. The only album they did with James Murphy that I "liked" was "Low" & even that had a bit of filler.
Obituary get a lot of hate/apathy in this thread. It's cyclic, like Opeth discussion but somewhat less prevalent.