Controversial opinions on metal

It's the general aesthetic that strikes me as similar; trying to achieve the same atmosphere. I dunno, man. I have to revisit some Sabbath material to back up my claim, but am currently at work.
Saying Candlemass are original is akin to attributing originality to Opeth, in my opinion.
You're basing their similarities on their aesthetics?

Are Candlemass influenced by Sabbath? Absolutely. Are they rip off artists? No.

They were the first band to really step out from under the shadow of Sabbathian doom and create an unquestionably different style of doom.

Find me a Sabbath song that sounds like A Sorcerer's Pledge.
I dislike double standards more than anything. Liking Candlemass but proclaiming Dimmu Borgir atrociously operatic and theatrical. Meh, who needs that? Sorry, ObscureInfinity, though I'm almost certain you were half-jesting anyway, since after long debate we had, you used "wat" as a retort to my post about St.Anger being the greatest metal album ever.You know, that charmingly stupid internet bastardization of "what". Phew, you can;t imagine the relief I've felt.

You can stop talking out of your ass now. Why don't you back up the comparisons you make instead of making such broad claims? You are quite simply fucking deaf if you think Candlemass is a mere rip-off of Black Sabbath. I really don't know how to better explain it to you.

Usually I wouldn't point out superficial elements of a band's work but last time I checked, there is a significant amount of guitar riff-work in Candlemass's music. Dimmu Borgir have quite a few songs that rely on theatrical orchestration with the guitar work taking a backseat. How can you possibly wonder why someone might like Candlemass and not Dimmu Borgir? I fail to understand why you keep making the "if you like band A, you must like band B" argument.
The comparison between Candlemass and Dimmu Borgir is hilarious. They are nothing alike. Stop trying to convince people that they secretly like Dimmu Borgir and you just need to bring it out of them. It's not true.
But Necromantia are just as theatrical yet are deemed superior.How well is the guitarwork pronounced on SEWB? It's suffocated by the buzzy sound. Even Tom found overt aesthetic similarities in the sound of both bands. How difficult is to hear them anyway?

There's a lot of crap that is deemed superior to mainstream bands simply because it's rawer and nowhere as accessible. Ildjarn and Krieg spring to mind. I mean, enjoy them all you want, but don't say they're more intelligent than your average bedroom black metal band.
The comparison between Candlemass and Dimmu Borgir is hilarious. They are nothing alike. Stop trying to convince people that they secretly like Dimmu Borgir and you just need to bring it out of them. It's not true.

I'm not comparing them, I'm just saying both are very theatrical.And moreso, disliked by many people just because of these overstated theatrics.

OI: you have ignored my post regarding the origins of heavy metal.

Damn, where is Carcassian when I need him? He's a major fan of both Candlemass and Dimmu Borgir.
So by your logic, every band that was influenced by the founders of heavy metal is a rip-off. Dumb.

You really couldn't come up with a band further removed musically from Dimmu Borgir than Necromantia. There's nothing "theatrical" about Necromantia's music, at all. I really don't know what you're listening to if you came to such a conclusion.
I also like Nightwish. Are you done with your gloating? Seriously, sometimes I feel like I'm in some sort of virtual kindergarten. "Ohh, look at him, he likes Dimmu Borgir Booooooo!"