Controversial opinions on metal

So by your logic, every band that was influenced by the founders of heavy metal is a rip-off. Dumb.
Indeed. Finally you admit how dumb it is. Yes, I admit to liking Candlemass despite the derivative nature of their music. Note however that the same criticism is leveled against bands that are "cool" to hate, i.e. Dimmu Borgir.
You really couldn't come up with a band further removed musically from Dimmu Borgir than Necromantia. There's nothing "theatrical" about Necromantia's music, at all. I really don't know what you're listening to if you came to such a conclusion.
I love Necromantia, but seriously, they are quite theatrical for sure sometimes. Not that I think that is a bad thing.
But Necromantia are just as theatrical yet are deemed superior.How well is the guitarwork pronounced on SEWB? It's suffocated by the buzzy sound. Even Tom found overt aesthetic similarities in the sound of both bands. How difficult is to hear them anyway?

There's a lot of crap that is deemed superior to mainstream bands simply because it's rawer and nowhere as accessible. Ildjarn and Krieg spring to mind. I mean, enjoy them all you want, but don't say they're more intelligent than your average bedroom black metal band.

While Necromantia can indeed be theatric, their guitar work is in no way suffocated by some buzzy sound. The riffs are very clearly heard on everything they have done. They never take secondary importance int heir music over the theatrics.

Ildjarn is far more "intelligent" than the average BRBM bullshit because you know it isn't just some idiot playing around on a guitar attempting to sound evil. It is a guy who very clearly understands the music he is creating, is putting effort into his work, and is creating a very raw, punkish form of black metal very few bands were doing at his time.

Don't be a fucking idiot. You're perfectly capable of thinking and using your brain but for some reason you're determined not to as of late.
This thread:

I'm sorry, I can't take anyone who thinks Ildjarn is intelligent seriously. Distancing yourself as far from the mainstream as possible doesn't mean you ought to climb out of your skin to try to find beauty and depth in jarring structureless infernal racket. Do I come off as a metal novice? Maybe, but I don't care.

Listen to an album enough and you'll be able to find out all its nuances-yeah, right. Why don't people give more time for Dimmu's music to sink in instead of criticizing it in vacuous condescending terms? I'll tell you why: because some people don't want to feel like outsiders.
It's like: oh, I've listened to Reign in Blood one hundred times at least, and I find nothing special about it. And then one day it has dawned on me just how utterly brilliant this piece of metal is. Of course the fact that it's a historically important album is a definite bonus. Look at me now , people, I've finally figured out Reign in Blood.Now I feel accepted". Meh, to hell with this sort of thinking.
Things like these just don't happen very often.
While Necromantia can indeed be theatric, their guitar work is in no way suffocated by some buzzy sound. The riffs are very clearly heard on everything they have done. They never take secondary importance int heir music over the theatrics.

Ildjarn is far more "intelligent" than the average BRBM bullshit because you know it isn't just some idiot playing around on a guitar attempting to sound evil. It is a guy who very clearly understands the music he is creating, is putting effort into his work, and is creating a very raw, punkish form of black metal very few bands were doing at his time.

Don't be a fucking idiot. You're perfectly capable of thinking and using your brain but for some reason you're determined not to as of late.
Scarlet Evil Witching Black is a lo-fi version of Dimmu's PEM, sans the industrial segments. You mean you can't hear the guitarwork on PEM? Really and truly?
I've gotten to the point where I stop trying to figure out why people overly dislike Dimmu Borgir, and instead revel in the fact that there's a band I'm able to thoroughly enjoy that others aren't.
DarkBliss, I really don't want to say this, but you seriously sound like a fucking idiot and I wish you would just shut the fuck up because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about at all to the point that I'm embarrassed for you. Dimmu Borgir and theater are both quite theatrical, but only a complete moron would expect somebody to like one just because they like the other. "Theater" and the theatric, the dramatic, the Romantic has always been an important element in metal since Black Sabbath, but it's not like every band utilizes those qualities in the same manner. Necromantia is not theatrical in the same sense that Dimmu Borgir is, nor is Candlemass theatrical in the same sense that Fates Warning is, nor is Fates Warning theatrical in the same sense that King Diamond is.

I really have a hard time grasping what your problem is. You seem to be extremely offended that people like different bands than you do and dislike bands that you like. You question the intelligence of those who like Ildjarn, and then question the intelligence of those who dislike Dimmu Borgir. Perhaps you should just grow up and stop being an irritable little twat. I've never had a problem with you before until you started recently with this bullshit argument about Dimmu Borgir in this thread. Why did you decide to start behaving like an inconsolable toddler all of a sudden?
Why are you getting upset? I don't have any problem, man. I just wish for once that people would admit to upholding double standards. Just for once. Saying X is not as theatrical as Y doesn't really mean much. It's still just favoritism at its purest.
How do people have double standards? Even if the bands you are comparing were similar it doesn't mean you have to like both anyway.
Right now you just come off as trying to justify that you like Dimmu Borgir while most people here don't. Why not just listen to them if you like and let other people listen to Necromantia if they like them more?
Why are you getting upset? I don't have any problem, man. I just wish for once that people would admit to upholding double standards. Just for once. Saying X is not as theatrical as Y doesn't really mean much. It's still just favoritism at its purest.

How exactly does liking one band and not the other automatically equate to having double standards? You pretty much are just embarassing yourself at this point so I think you could use a good healthy dose of shut the fuck up.
Vilden, liking one album over the other is no problem, but claiming that one possesses some mythical depth just because it was released in 1995 and not 2001 is proof of double-standards, in my opinion. But whatever, we all talk constantly about our favorite cult classics here and what not, so I won't push this point any further.

And OI,I sure could benefit from exercising more self control, you're right. However, you are dismissing my claims via juvenile means. I.e. you have nothing else to say to disprove them.
Vilden, liking one album over the other is no problem, but claiming that one possesses some mythical depth just because it was released in 1995 and not 2001 is proof of double-standards, in my opinion.

That IS a juvenile statement. The music is what gives it "mythical depth," not the time period it was released in. I personally believe, generally speaking, that black metal bands from the 90s exerted more passion and spirit than albums post-2000. That opinion is based on the musical output that I've heard from said bands of that time period. Do you honestly think that people prefer to listen to music solely based on the fact that it is released pre-2000 to simply uphold some elitist status quo? Do you have any idea how moronic that sounds?
Dude just shut up, you're pretty fucking wrong and it's just annoying now.

WAIF, don't tell me I'm wrong; show me why you think so.

OI, well, people do like The Chasm, though. Might be due to the fact that some guy with an English major wrote a long piece, praising the mythical properties of the band's music, and everyone followed in his footsteps.
Yeah, so all of The Chasm's fans read that English paper before liking the band? I like The Chasm because their music is good. Is the basis for making judgments on music not based on the music itself all of a sudden? Do you have some sort of mental deficiency inhibiting your ability to comprehend such a simple matter?
The Chasm would have been condemned to obscurity had Falco not written his essay-long reviews about them. Same with Wicked Innocence whom I find completely distasteful -their music strikes me as utterly spastic with a gazillion of tempo changes and interludes that never cohere into anything lucid.But whatever, I know that there are fans of this band on this board, so I won't spoil it for them with my pseudo-analysis. And anyway, I'm done tormenting you with my "retarded" opinions, since apparently I'm completely deaf being the only guy who noticed this.

That said, we all have different sets of ears, for one, so one person may hear something that eludes another(this further burdened by a host of natural hearing problems that people are afflicted with these days).
I guess I missed out on the Dimmu Borgir topic.

I've been a fan of Dimmu for a long time and they tend to receive a lot of hatred from the black metal community. Obviously everyone's got an opinion and their own tastes in music so I can understand if people simply just aren't into them. But usually people who hate bands hate them for silly reasons based out of their own ignorance and faulty perceptions of the band.

Dimmu Borgir is a hard-working band has always toured a lot. They've had plenty of very talented musicians play for them and they've released a few excellent albums. They're a very ambitious band, never one to limit their own potential, so it's no wonder they're successful. :cool: