Controversial opinions on metal

That's the worst attempt at sounding smart on the GMD forums to date.

JGM your "long-term statement" is just riddled with grammatical errors and complete bullshit...I'm telling you to stop because you are making a fool of yourself with each successive post, not because I am LAZY and don't understand your retarded ideas about how people either listen to good music or not.
You also have to understand considerations and so forth.

In long term...

Theres those who are ignorant and those with an open mind for what they like.

Following... there is interchangeable varieties of thought. To understand, one must develop a passion. Interchangeability of thought occurs through the experience of listening thus formulating a change of discern.

Only through experience and an open mind filled with the passion to forgo understanding, will individuals improve their musical tastes. Improvement also fulfills acquired taste; the liking for other genres of music.

That is more of an overview of the long-term, but really thats as simple as I can break it down, shouldn't be hard to grasp. Not everybody gives a rats ass about music, remember that. In fact a fair amount of people look at it as the lowest form of entertainment and treat it as such.

Errors in bold, and I'm sure I've missed a couple. have no point to begin with, so why fucking bother?! You are using words you don't understand and/or don't fit the context of your sentence just to try and push a completely worthless point.

You are saying that you have to acquire a passion for music in order to "understand the interchangeable varieties of thought" (give me a fucking break) and thus their tastes will be substantially improved.

First off...NO SHIT SHERLOCK?! If you are not passionate about music, most likely you won't be fucking digging into any particular genre very deeply right?

Second of all, who are you to say what is a good taste and a bad taste? Just because someone's taste isn't as broad as yours doesn't make their taste inferior to yours?

EDIT: I'm not here to nitpick on grammatical errors btw, I just had to do this because you are being a fucking asshat about your immaculate grammar and grand explanations
Discern: To perceive, recognize, or comprehend with the mind; to descry.

Descry: To notice carefully; to detect

Are you a native English speaker? If you're not, your mistake might be understandable. If you are, then you might want to look into special education opportunities in your area, because you might be retarded.

Let me spell this out for you:

(1) You don't need to tell me what the meaning of 'discern' is because I already know it and, more important, your mistake was syntactic rather than semantic.

(2) The verb 'discern' does not function in the way you're trying to use it. Verbs generally don't work that way, especially not this particular one. Let's pick a random verb to illustrate. We'll use the verb 'believe'. What you said would be like saying 'formulating a change in believe.' That's syntactically ill-formed. What should appear at the end of that fragment would be a noun, such as 'belief'. Perhaps what you meant to say was 'formulating a change in discernment.' You see, that would actually be syntactically well-formed.

Are you a native English speaker? If you're not, your mistake might be understandable. If you are, then you might want to look into special education opportunities in your area, because you might be retarded.

I worked all night, just got home (6:30am) and I have to say I really appreciate the :lol:.
@ JG - There are two ways of appearing profound and intellectual.

1. Is to be profound.
2. To shut up.

Methinks the latter suits you perfectly. And to reiterate what everyone else has said, * insert facepalm *.
I assure you, there are ZERO grammatical errors in it. Oh hold on, I ment Undergo, not Forgo. Here

Your quite a genius to detect one spelling error. Bravo.

Add this to Addo's post.

Geez, that's terrible for a native speaker. Invariably one spells a word as it is pronounced [A cue for the future].
I was stabbing in the dark when I made sense of your post, seems I've won the lottery. I don't really agree with it though, if you are passionate about something that is "bad" why would you suddenly wake up one morning and go "huh this is shit?"
You also have to understand considerations and so forth.

In long term...

Theres those who are ignorant and those with an open mind for what they like.

Following... there is interchangeable varieties of thought. To understand, one must develop a passion. Interchangeability of thought occurs through the experience of listening thus formulating a change of discern.

Only through experience and an open mind filled with the passion to forgo understanding, will individuals improve their musical tastes. Improvement also fulfills acquired taste; the liking for other genres of music.

This is brilliant.
I'm not sure if it's more or less funny that he's so damn sure of himself and makes sure to make 10 posts about it. Either way, he makes my state beam with pride.
Theres those who are ignorant and those with an open mind for what they like.

I know what you're saying man. There are those who don't know what they like and those who know what they like and also are open-minded about what they like, so even things they don't like can be things they like. Those ignorant about what they like don't like anything they like because they don't know they like it. They're closed-mindedness inhibits their likeliness to like anything.
I think what JG was trying to say amounts to: there are people who know what they're looking for in music and try to find more music in the same vein/with similar properties.