Controversial opinions on metal

Alright, I got one for you guys, 80s hardcore is better then most metal when it comes to raw aggression, besides some thrash.
Harsh noise is more aggressive. Ram the distortion pedal into the floor and you'll have aggression coming out of your ears.
That's not really aggressive, that's just being loud and yeah pretty much what Cyth said. Hardcore on the other hand was filled with angst and hatred for pretty much everything, through the lyrics, the pure speed and simplicity, the vocals, and of coarse the scene in general.
I have seen more Yeti's than I have seen fans of harsh noise...I mean who are these people? Do they really exist?
Assuming you've seen 0 Yetis, that statement doesn't really make sense.

Have you seen a Yeti? :yow:
I'm waiting for JGMetalhead to start praising harsh noise as a brilliant form of music
Hipsters don't really exist. It's just one of those vaguely defined tags people use to label others. But since no one will ever say this about himself, then no one is actually a hipster.