Controversial opinions on metal


HamburgerBoy, last time I checked, Pantera is more well known than anything to come out of Norway so what "victory" are you talking about? Do you think before you post?

Hardly. A lot of thrash fans (among other tr00 ones) reject Pantera strongly, yet black metal has been far more subversive, to the point that people over-intellectualize it as metal's greatest artistic achievement or somesuch shit. The resulting ambient-shoeglaze-suicidal black metal bands are infinitely more false than the down-tuned primitive chuggery of Pantera or Lamb of God.

Randy Blythe >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tom Araya.

I don't see why people hate Blythe so much. Maybe a little screamy in that spitty Rob Dukes way on occasion, but he reminds me more of a cross between Chuck Billy and Ron Royce than anything. And their riffs are very much thrash.
I've been saying this for years.

Then let's get together and form a tribe of tr00 metal warriors, with only one main goal: to see the destruction of all things black, and hence, all things false.

I mean srsly, I'd rather listen to Slipknot than Burzum or that-bedroom-suicidal-black-metal-band-always-cited-by-people-as-s00per-d00per-kvlt-whose-name-I-can't-recall.

EDIT: Second-wave and experimental off-shoots only, of course. Deathcrush is still tr00 by my standards.
Randy Blythe >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tom Araya.

My hatred for Slayer has been well documented in this thread already. I don't even like Tom Araya, but Lamb of God is a joke. Not quite on the level of Pantera bad, but still pretty damn awful.

Also, there is nothing "tr00" about metalcore.
I don't hate black metal, I'm just very selective when it comes to bands in that sub-genre I like, but I do get tired of people putting it on a such a high pedestal.

Yep, that's why it's fun to troll black-metal-loving-"Cowboys from Hell has some moments reminiscent of heavy metal"-stating ANUSites. tbh I actually really like Mayhem's Grand Declaration of War, and once in a blue (funeral *rimshot*) moon I listen to some Darkthrone and Emperor on YouTube. I just don't understand how a sub-genre that deviates so far from the metal's origins is universally accepted while "core" and "groove", vague and often meaningless descriptors, are reviled. Especially considering that hardcore and metal have been swapping genetic fluids since the early 80's.
I am fairly sure anyone who is totally oblivious to the history and wank surrounding the black metal scene would not find anything of value in Ildjarn and acts that sound like Ildjarn. If you read a bunch of reviews praising a "difficult" album it really changes how you approach listening to it, even if you try not to let other people's opinions sway yours.
I disagree. Ildjarn's Det Frysende Nordariket was one of the first few black metal albums I heard, and I grew to appreciate it over a short period of time once I became accustomed to the raw production (of Norse black metal in general). And the only reviews I found of his music back then described it as "noise" or "rubbish". Seriously, is stuff like this really that inaccessible?

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You say it grew on you after you became accustomed to the raw production, which sort of goes along with what I was saying - a lot of people would be so immediately put off by it that they wouldn't bother to take the time to get used to it. How did you find that album, anyway?
I disagree. Ildjarn's Det Frysende Nordariket was one of the first few black metal albums I heard, and I grew to appreciate it over a short period of time once I became accustomed to the raw production (of Norse black metal in general). And the only reviews I found of his music back then described it as "noise" or "rubbish". Seriously, is stuff like this really that inaccessible?

Dude, I could totally spin kick to that shit.
You say it grew on you after you became accustomed to the raw production, which sort of goes along with what I was saying - a lot of people would be so immediately put off by it that they wouldn't bother to take the time to get used to it. How did you find that album, anyway?

Girlfriend at the time bought it along with the self-titled and Filosofem back in 2001, hated all three and gave them to me. I actually remember finding Filosofem to be less accessible than Ildjarn at the time.
Yep, that's why it's fun to troll black-metal-loving-"Cowboys from Hell has some moments reminiscent of heavy metal"-stating ANUSites. tbh I actually really like Mayhem's Grand Declaration of War, and once in a blue (funeral *rimshot*) moon I listen to some Darkthrone and Emperor on YouTube. I just don't understand how a sub-genre that deviates so far from the metal's origins is universally accepted while "core" and "groove", vague and often meaningless descriptors, are reviled. Especially considering that hardcore and metal have been swapping genetic fluids since the early 80's.

Well Black Metal has been around since the early 80's and its relationship to Heavy and Thrash metal are obvious. So I really don't see how you can say that it 'deviates so far from metal's origins'.
Dude. Put it into context. Kill 'Em All, a good portion of Ride the Lightning and KIMB/Peace Sells, most of Bonded By Blood, and Metal Church's debut had been written by then. Show No Mercy definitely could have used a few more months for Aggressive Perfector, Haunting the Chapel, and Captor of Sin to be written. Instead they fuck it up with some of the very worst songs of their career.

EDIT: Hell, I'm listening to Fistful of Metal right now and even though this is another case of a band pushing out a debut too early, there is nothing that sounds as musically WRONG as the bad moments of Show No Mercy.

I was actually talking about your lame guitar pro analogy, but whatever. All the albums you mentioned have hilariously immature and amateurish moments. Thrash metal was still in diapers at that point. I don't see why you think Show No Mercy is so much worse.

Randy Blythe >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tom Araya.

Randy Blythe sounds like Phil Anselmo mixed with a healthy dose of shit.
And I still don't see what the problem with immature and amateur shit is. Stick to Dream Theatre if you're all anal about amateurness.