Controversial opinions on metal

I don't usually refer to Deep Purple as metal, they're much too bluesy and don't have those romantic aspects typical of metal in their music. Kickass hard rock though.
Oh, no reason guys. I'm just accusing you two about being total cunts. This is an opinions thread, I post an opinion, that I absolutely detest the majority of early 90's norwegian black metal. You two attack me becasue either I'm not kvlt enough or I have slam bands in my signature. Whatever. Elitist pricks.

Wow, you are fucking obnoxious.
Oh, no reason guys. I'm just accusing you two about being total cunts. This is an opinions thread, I post an opinion, that I absolutely detest the majority of early 90's norwegian black metal. You two attack me becasue either I'm not kvlt enough or I have slam bands in my signature. Whatever. Elitist pricks.

That's funny because I said nothing about your opinion. I could care less what you listen to. I was talking about your claim that the majority of this forum probably just listens to contemporary black metal which, first of all, makes you a presumptuous prick, and second of all, simply isn't true.

Nevermind, this guy is a pretty obvious troll.
Obviously I'm a troll. Whatever you want to believe. Now who's being a presumptuous prick? My claim came while I was drunk, and I apologize for it, because I see how stupid it was, but I still highly dislike most Norwegian Black Metal from the early 90's.

Death_Delirium shut it, Grave and Unleashed are some of the worst bands Sweden has ever spawned. The only band worse is Bloodbath.
Nirvana 2002 was just some second rate band and recycled crappy versions of Entombed riffs. Entombed wannabee's. Not even just that, but not even 5 percent as good as any Death Metal band from sweden at all. Old Grave and Unleashed is some of the best DM period. go die
Obviously I'm a troll. Whatever you want to believe. Now who's being a presumptuous prick? My claim came while I was drunk, and I apologize for it, because I see how stupid it was, but I still highly dislike most Norwegian Black Metal from the early 90's.

You've been saying that for the past five posts or so. No one really gives a shit. Your posts pretty much all have a negative undertone so you are indeed trolling. Learn to hold your alcohol pal.

Unleashed is probably the best death metal band to come out of Sweden.
Of course they have negative undertones, you guys get so aggressive when someone badmouths what you consider a classic. It's an opinion, get over it.

Nirvana 2002 is fun to me, Unleashed is just boring, and early Grave is even more monotonous, I'm sorry.
Of course they have negative undertones, you guys get so aggressive when someone badmouths what you consider a classic. It's an opinion, get over it.

Nirvana 2002 is fun to me, Unleashed is just boring, and early Grave is even more monotonous, I'm sorry.

Right, because I badmouth bands all the time. You, however, have not made a single post (to my knowledge) that hasn't appeared to be an attempt to get a rise out of people.

:lol: @ Omni
Controversial opinions on metal. It's meant to create a rise out of someone. And anyone with a decent taste in metal knows that Bloodbath is horrible.
N2002 is okay. I prefer Interment as far as old sweDM bands that recently appeared to release a demo comp.

obviously we know Bloodbath is terrible, and aside from 1 or 2 Grave albums I don't care about them, but Unleashed? boring? wat?
Of course they have negative undertones, you guys get so aggressive when someone badmouths what you consider a classic. It's an opinion, get over it.

It's the way you convey your opinions. Like Cythraul said, you're an obnoxious cunt. Unleashed and Grave are two of the worst bands "ever spawned" by Sweden? :lol:

Controversial opinions on metal. It's meant to create a rise out of someone. And anyone with a decent taste in metal knows that Bloodbath is horrible.

You have shit taste though, so I guess that's why some people found the statement surprising. ;)
Obviously my taste in metal is horrible. Ah well. Apparantly because I enjoy some deathcore, and for a while my favourite genre was Brutal Death Metal my say in anything is null and void. Maybe I dislike Grave/Unleashed because I find the US Death Metal scene from the early 90's to be far superior, and the same with the Finnish scene, I donnou. I'm sorry if you guys think I'm an obnoxious cunt, but all I'm trying to do is argue my point of view.

Malign, obviously I'm exaggerating about them being the worst bands spawned by Sweden, that role is taken by Sonic Syndicate, but I truly find them boring.