Controversial opinions on metal

BM is boring and pointless unless it has some element of "otherness" to it (basically directly countering Bradleywadley's opinion)
BM is boring and pointless unless it has some element of "otherness" to it (basically directly countering Bradleywadley's opinion)

I wouldn't say it's "boring and pointless" but I find that blackened ________ metal bands are generally better & hold my attention longer than straight BM.
- You can't mention french bm without mutiilation.

DSBM, Post-Rockish BM, and shoegaze-y BM all suck.
This is pretty much the only type of black metal I listen to. I think there are two camps within black metal. One camp is the evil, satanic, "regular" black metal, and then there is the kind of black metal that uses black metal's darkness for emotional effect rather than to create a sense of evil. The first kind is definitely more true to the genre's founding ideals, but personally it's the second kind I find more engaging. I think aggression in metal is more convincing in thrash and death metal settings than it is in most black metal.
I'm with you to an extent. I like both sides of Black Metal but I've never really considered it aggressive. I mean, to be honest, if I knew nothing about Burzum I would never guess that he had killed someone. Burned churches, maybe. Sure maybe Burzum is an outlier but Mayhem, Darkthrone, it's harsh but serene music. I've nver really gotten a "mutilate the masses" vibe from it...

'Course that might just be me... when I used to listen to Burzum at work I had people comment on how angry the music was, on more than one occasion. 'Course at work they said similar things about Rammstein so I think it has to do with them not being familiar with metal. On the other hand maybe I've just been desensitized by all the metal. Just seems second nature to me.
I think desensitization is a major contributer. I listen to rock/alternative I used to think was sooooo heavy before I started to listening to metal, and now it's like, WTF is this weak stuff.

Rammstein is a joke to someone who has listened to even something like Fear Factory, so for someone who doesn't listen to anything heavier than The Killers(not that I ever did), Burzum is way over the top.
I think the only reason the above people don't appreciate said kinds of black metal is because it has an entirely different appeal. If they actually liked post-rock and shoegaze in the first place, they'd probably appreciate it more. So that statement reads more like "Post rock and shoegaze suck" to me.