Controversial opinions on metal

edit: Maybe they are referring to a particular mentality rather than the sound of their music. I dunno.

I think this is the case. Their allegiance to the "old school" train of thought is strong; but I know the members also adore a lot of that modern European "orthodox" stuff and it definitely bleeds through a bit on the last two AS albums.

Regardless, they're on a level of their own and probably my favorite newer active metal band.
Yeah, I wouldn't say they directly refer to their music as "old school" but they seem to praise old school metal a lot. Either way, I never found their music all that noteworthy. Advent Parallax is alright.
Yo Ein, check out my post; there are a couple reasons that song is laaaame in there ;)

In my opinion, those reasons don't justify calling one album gay and the other one badass. They both exhibit excessive theatricality and a wide use of keys. If you listen further through "Unbesiegt" you'll hear a section of the song that's heavily riff-dominated. The differences that are apparent between the two albums are too subtle to rank them both so differently. At that point, all you're doing is splitting hairs.
In my opinion, those reasons don't justify calling one album gay and the other one badass. They both exhibit excessive theatricality and a wide use of keys. If you listen further through "Unbesiegt" you'll hear a section of the song that's heavily riff-dominated. The differences that are apparent between the two albums are too subtle to rank them both so differently. At that point, all you're doing is splitting hairs.

I don't really think the first album is like super tr00 heterosexual or whatever the fuck, I just think it's fun and good, and keeps the gayness to a minimum. I am also fine with cheesy/gay/whatever when it is done in a band that it sounds right for, but in "Unbeseigt", as I mentioned, the keyboard voices sound bizarre and ham-fisted. Everything can be good in art, as long as it fits, contextually. And most of that shit, my friend, does not fit.
In my opinion, those reasons don't justify calling one album gay and the other one badass. They both exhibit excessive theatricality and a wide use of keys. If you listen further through "Unbesiegt" you'll hear a section of the song that's heavily riff-dominated. The differences that are apparent between the two albums are too subtle to rank them both so differently. At that point, all you're doing is splitting hairs.

Sorry dude, but the keys are more prominent and more whimsical and fruity on Sagas and the rhythms are bouncier. The differences are not subtle at all. I noticed them right away the first time I listened to Sagas. Clean out your ears.
I went back and listened to Turis Fratyr after this was brought up last night. The keys might be featured in the forefront more on Sagas, but as a whole they're still used in almost every song, and they offer the melody several times on the debut.

I just really don't think the differences are that important. The melodies are still very similar, and the only really "bouncy" song on Sagas is "Unbesiegt."
I've only heard one Killswitch song, "Breathe Life." It was pretty good as a catchy rock song that makes you want to punch jocks.
Manowar fucking sucks.
Rhapsody and all that kind of new power bands sucks hard.

First off, fuck you, Manowar is awesome.


Second, new power metal being crap is so far from controversial it isnt even worth saying.
I hate the term "melodic death metal" or even worse.. "Melodeath" ..ugh. Is only Death Metal, some bands are more melodic that others, sure, but that's all.

I must say that I heavily disagree. Melodeath is only "death metal" by name and vocals. The music itself, however, is EXTREMELY different.



How someone can group those two bands in the same genre is beyond my comprehension.
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