Controversial opinions on metal

aforementioned unmentioned?

I don't think you're the bane of anyone's existence, though Cythraul did make a FB status update related to this debate.
I misread your post and saw "that's" as "I was." My bad.

The amount of homosexuality in this thread is starting to scare me.


I listen to a lot of non-metal music. I hate false metal, not non-metal.

Whenever you claim something as "false" in any manner, then you're automatically implying that there is a "true" to counterbalance the falsity. Basically, claiming music to be true or false at all is stupid as fuck and just makes you sound like a pretentious faggot.

You know we're not being entirely serious when we say shit like that right? I have very specific tastes when it comes to metal and I like to use elitist jargon to justify it for shits and giggles. You are seriously an intense moron if you think any of the people saying that are elitists in the literal sense of the word.
He was talking about falsity. Pretty sure that's the opposite of tr00.

Did it ever cross your mind that shoegaze/post-rock/psychedellic combined with black metal is actually fucking gay and not a matter of tr00 or un-tr00ness?

No. You're probably wrong.

It's sad to see so much falsity among supposed black metal fans around here. I thought it was obvious that mixing black metal and post-rock, shoegaze, etc. is utter faggotry and is basically a watering down of a once exciting genre. Weak.

:lol: Come up with something new man. You're like a watered down version of your old self.
Nice edit, Einherjar. Very cool of you to say that, since I don't recall personally attacking you, at least not in such a below-the-belt manner.
Really? Why? Because I'm not "open-minded" enough or what? You clearly harbor some kind of resentment towards me that goes beyond my being an "idiot" sometimes or else you wouldn't feel the need to go so far as to comment on supposed details about my personal life.
I listen to a lot of non-metal music. I hate false metal, not non-metal.

You know we're not being entirely serious when we say shit like that right? I have very specific tastes when it comes to metal and I like to use elitist jargon to justify it for shits and giggles. You are seriously an intense moron if you think any of the people saying that are elitists in the literal sense of the word.

Well, to be honest when you "joke" about things in seemingly serious context, especially right in the middle of a fucking argument then it's hard to tell that you really are joking. Second, if you were joking entirely about the true/false thing then why must you keep repeating it like it's rhetoric? The whole idea of false metal is retarded anyways. It's either metal, it's not, or a hybrid of metal and another genre. Apparently you and Cyth call anything classified as metal that has non-metal characteristics as "false metal" and this sole fact alone is enough evidence that it shouldn't be listened to. I guess early metal bands are false metal too because they have blues elements still in the music. If you're kidding, then stop repeating the word false like a broken god damn record.
Really? Why? Because I'm not "open-minded" enough or what? You clearly harbor some kind of resentment towards me that goes beyond my being an "idiot" sometimes or else you wouldn't feel the need to go so far as to comment on supposed details about my personal life.

You've said that before, and it's not true brah. When I criticize a band or genre, I never use the term "faggotry" or any similar word. When you and others do that, it just gets old and pretty lame after a while.

And I edited my post because I felt that it was unwarranted to criticize you personally based on some recent posts you've made. So don't get so pissy.

I thought Dodens knocked some sense into you.

Is it senseless to argue with you guys? I mean, it's not like you're always right.
Well, to be honest when you "joke" about things in seemingly serious context, especially right in the middle of a fucking argument then it's hard to tell that you really are joking. Second, if you were joking entirely about the true/false thing then why must you keep repeating it like it's rhetoric? The whole idea of false metal is retarded anyways. It's either metal, it's not, or a hybrid of metal and another genre. Apparently you and Cyth call anything classified as metal that has non-metal characteristics as "false metal" and this sole fact alone is enough evidence that it shouldn't be listened to. I guess early metal bands are false metal too because they have blues elements still in the music. If you're kidding, then stop repeating the word false like a broken god damn record.

Is my referring to inappropriately mixed styles as "false" metal making you insecure about listening to it or something? Why don't you try not caring? No one is saying you can't listen to it.