Controversial opinions on metal

If I actually had to listen to nu-metal, it'd be Deftones and I'd leave it at that.

Yeah dude; the new album is actually quite good, and I like most of White Pony. The best nu-metal album is Mudvayne - The End Of All Things To Come. Sweet disc.
Mudvayne is actually musically/technically fucking good, especially Ryan goddamned Martinie.

If that's the bassist you're referring to, I'm inclined to agree. 4-5 years back or so, Mudvayne was the one band that I shared common ground with my "maggot" friends. I can't stand them much now but I used to really dig that guy's basslines, back in the day.
Let me get this strait. Loud guitars.........And yelling into a microphone..........isn't metal? I'm speaking outside of trying to start a Slipknot argument.

Would you call THIS metal?

Know your shit plz
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Agreed. They get shit on because no one actually stops to listen to them. It's metal. Get over it. Fanbase is composed almost entirely of idoits and fat 13 year old girls? Yes. Amazing musicians? No. Metal? Yes.
