Controversial opinions on metal

"Worthless metal country" was admittedly a bit of hyperbole, but name dropping lower-tier death, black, black/death, death/black/thrash, and necro/war/rape/black metal bands is still proving my point. Every Canadian band I mentioned prior was infinitely more important than Fuck... I'm Dead (grindcore with one album in 2001? who the fuck cares?) or Be'Lakor (a 2007-debut melodic death metal band? plz, show some objectivity). Satanstoenail brings up a good point that they are physically isolated which can explain why they are releasing more stuff (good or not) today with the internet, but I still don't consider it a significant enough factor to offset their meager level of metal production. They're probably second to only Spain when judged relatively.
Australia was admittedly never a major player in terms of influencing the future trajectory of the genre, and throughout the 80s they didn't have much to offer beyond 2nd tier and lower thrash like Hobbs' Angel of Death and Slaughter Lord. But since, say, Deströyer 666 or so, the country has been churning out a lot of powerful and impressive material, especially lately, most of which would obviously not appeal to somebody such as HamburgerBoy whose palate in certain regards is far from matured.
lower-tier death, black, black/death, death/black/thrash, and necro/war/rape/black metal bands is still proving my point.

oh okay so you just have really horrible taste in metal. that would explain all your completely fucking dumb statements. I see now our time is being wasted on you. go listen to fruity power/prog somewhere.
oh okay so you just have really horrible taste in metal. that would explain all your completely fucking dumb statements. I see now our time is being wasted on you. go listen to fruity power/prog somewhere.

I've listened to some of these bands you guys apparently worship, and I've admitted that some of them are approximately decent or even good, but metal of that quality can be found in many places. Outside of very few exceptions, they lack bands of parity with the biggest names of North America, Western and Northern Europe, and Brazil. Seriously, I don't know how you guys can think you're objective when you bring up death and black metal bands formed in the last five years.
HamburgerBoy is just an idiot that thinks that having more listeners means a band is worth more then another band, and somehow more influential.
Worship is the wrong word, I think I'd go with something nice and well-rounded, like...hmmm..."enjoy"?

For you, probably. For those like sloughfegkillers and Schwärzung, I'd still pick worship given their evident devotion to all things bestial warlike necroraping, to the point Voivod is argued less significant than some random late 90's Australian extreme metal band.

HamburgerBoy is just an idiot that thinks that having more listeners means a band is worth more then another band, and somehow more influential.

Hardly. The Canadian bands I mentioned are indeed generally more listened to (although Slaughter probably isn't relative to Sadistik Exekution and Destroyer 666) but there is considerable musical contribution that they gave as well. I won't deny that those Australian bands are important to their own little trivial scene of peripheral extreme metal, but they lack much greater significance.
Valid point. I am eternally thankful to have been birthed in the eternally important and wonderful United States of America. I need not ever suffer an inferiority complex.