Controversial opinions on metal

Perhaps I should explain my fervent adoration for War Metal.My first BM albums where Darkthrone's ABITNS and Bestial Warlust's Vengeance War Till Death.War Metal to me is an intrinsic part of BM.
Don't be a fucking keyboard warrior're just butthurt.There's no need to get personal,I just don't have the same opinions as yourself regarding BM,call me what you fucking like over the internet dude..anyone can do that.

I merely requested that you stop acting like a mongoloid and then you go and write that whole thing above. Looks like you're the one who's butthurt.
bruce dickinson used to be my hero but ever since he dissed ozzy i kinda lost respect for him, metal bros need to look out for each other or we'll all be swallowed up in this modern world of shit

dio may be a terrible vocalist but that doesnt mean we shouldnt respect him for being a metal legend. rip \m/

these fascistic black metal bands arej ust for nerds who hate everyone because they were bullied and school. need to get laid boyz

black metal would be loads better if they just added some groove to the beat, like a nun's black dance or something

suicidal black metal is a really dumb term a better term would be melancholical. like one of burzum songs that brings more sadness when i listen to, even though i remember too good moments in my childhood playing videogame

bands like atheist and cynic are just jumping on the jazz metal bandwagon like linkin park jumped on the rap metal one.

dragonforce songs all sound the same but you cant fault the guitarist that guy has serious guitar silks

i think the media has hurt the metal scene a lot because metal is portrayed as being aggressive but actually most of it is beyond epic and dare i say spiritual

slayer's albums are all really graet it's just a shame the balding one appeared in a sum 41 video, dunno about anyone else but i felt really let down by that

and finally everybodys opinion is equal but some peoples opinions are more equal than others :p
Mournful Who? Are you fucking kidding? Some 1998-debut funeral doom band is more important than Voivod? And I find it funny that you consider Blasphemy the most important when they are clearly the least so on my list.

Their Weeping demo was 1994 and is, imo, one of the top 5 releases in the genre. Sure they weren't as influential as Thergothon or Skepticism, but they're still an important band in the Australian scene. As for Blasphemy being less important than Voivod or Strapping Young Lad, absolutely not in actual metal circles. In some avant-garde circles or whatever, possibly, but Blasphemy, while not as important as Darkthrone/Burzum/Immortal/Mayhem certainly, invented a small subgenre and were a huge influence on Beherit and a big portion of the more evil/kvlt side of black metal.

At least, imo.
bands like atheist and cynic are just jumping on the jazz metal bandwagon like linkin park jumped on the rap metal one.

i think the media has hurt the metal scene a lot because metal is portrayed as being aggressive but actually most of it is beyond epic and dare i say spiritual

the first point here is ridiculously awfully wrong.

the second is interesting. the bbc website reviews new heavy heavy punkish music like cancer bats but doesn't give metal music the time of day, apart from the big (older, safer) names like ACDC and Metallica, which is very odd. it's about not having a clue how to relate to metal properly, which is sad because England has done so much to give rise to BOTH genres.
I understand that my posts on Sepultura or second-wave black metal could annoy people, but how am I wrong on this one? Australia (New Zealand too, btw) is a by-and-large worthless metal country, and to compare Canada to it
is a massive insult.

Pardon me, but that is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard. EVER.

Fuck... I'm Dead?
Black Majesty?
Deströyer 666?
Bestial Warlust?
Cemetery Urn?

Any of these shit on the face of any Canadian band I've heard.
Schwärzung;9329958 said:
Pardon me, but that is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard. EVER.

Fuck... I'm Dead?
Black Majesty?
Deströyer 666?
Bestial Warlust?
Cemetery Urn?

Any of these shit on the face of any Canadian band I've heard.

While I like Alchemist, I have heard many more good bands from Canada than Australia.
Schwärzung;9329958 said:
Pardon me, but that is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard. EVER.

Fuck... I'm Dead?
Black Majesty?
Deströyer 666?
Bestial Warlust?
Cemetery Urn?

Any of these shit on the face of any Canadian band I've heard.
I tend to argee with this,also up and coming bands such as Nocturnal Graves and Shackles.I'd even go as far to say that Bestial Warlust outdid Blasphemy in the war metal stakes,although Conqueror or Revenge are damn hard to beat and as for sheer unbridled insanity it's hard to go past Sadistik Exekution.Without these Australian bands the metal scene would be pretty damn boring.
Australia's contribution to metal has been no-where near what it should be. I think being situated on the arse-end of the world probably has something to do with it, it's a lot harder for bands on meagre budgets to get a proper deal and tour etc. because we're so far from the rest of the world, but even so we should have had a much more prolific scene than we have.
Vomitor, Shrapnel (the black/thrash one), Ignivomous, Mortal Sin, Portal, Impetuous Ritual, Cauldron Black Ram, Innsmouth.. to add a few more.

Australia has quite a solid metal scene. What a retarded thing to say.