Controversial opinions on metal

I think Stormblast has some great moments but for me it's a bit of a chore to listen to. The music just seems rather plodding and lifeless with very little variation. I don't understand why this album is so revered when For All Tid is a much better and interesting album.

"For All Tid" for me has PERFECT production for an atmospheric-esque Norwegian symphonic album, but the songs are inconsistent. "Stormblast" wins with "Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen" which is probably in my top 5 songs of the genre but yeah, I especially don't understand the fellating of "Sorgen's Kammer" which is a ripoff of a video game song and is not awesome or evocative or any of the things fanbois claim it is.

My favorite "symphonic" albums are "Dusk and Her Embrace" by CoF (cue VelociBrad making a Limp Bizkit reference) and "Towards the Frozen Stream" by Vordven. Symphonic BM is really, really, really hard to do well. There are so many valiant efforts that are just ineffective and blend in, or are campy beyond likeability. Like Twilight Ophera LOL anyone remember them?

I recall Saparmurat_N saying once that "For All Tid" is the worst BM album of all time...

re: other post

Bam Margera, ugh! I haven't seen the new CoF video. I'm pretty out of the loop on anything new and find stuff at my own pace. TBH the only Cradle of Filth I enjoy enough to still listen to are "Vempire" and "Dusk and Her Embrace."
Emperor and Summoning for me, as far as symphonic black metal. Nokturnal Mortum is up there.

if you must have an ultra underground release, Golden Dawn's THe Art of Dreaming is quite excellent.
You were told by smart people, Ein. The first couple ...aO are amazing in terms of symphonic black stuff. Dornenreich's early work is sweet too, and very similar.
Is early Dornenreich considered "symphonic?" I have to rethink my declarations of favorites then. If we are defining it as "all black metal bands who use keyboards a lot" then the list gets longer

Dummy Burger up until PEM (though "Kings of the Carnival Creation" is the best song)

I have managed to never listen to a lot of the bands mentioned and will get on that as soon as I'm done with my reggae/other granola barefoot music binge
From memory I think I enjoyed Malignant Eternal more than Obtained Enslavement,another band i'd like to revisit is Siebenburgen.They got heaps of praise back in the late nineties but from memory I just thought they were a second rate Cradle Of Filth clone band.

After I first started listening to Emperor around 1997-98 or so, I went head first into the symphonic/melodic BM stuff. That was when I discovered Dawn, Dissection, and Dimmu Borgir. I remember liking Obtained Enslavement quite a bit, but Siebenburgen grated on my nerves. Around that time I also got into Borknagar, and tried Ophthalamia, but I couldn't get into them. Long story short, COF was the reason I gave any of those bands a chance.
Owens is by no means a bad vocalist, but he had to replace very carismatic and classic vocalists like Rob Halford and Matt Barlow. I mean, no one can be a good replacement for Judas Priest after so much time with Halford. He has such a particular style.

Fright Night is the best Stratovarius album and one of the few Power I still enjoy
After I first started listening to Emperor around 1997-98 or so, I went head first into the symphonic/melodic BM stuff. That was when I discovered Dawn, Dissection, and Dimmu Borgir. I remember liking Obtained Enslavement quite a bit, but Siebenburgen grated on my nerves. Around that time I also got into Borknagar, and tried Ophthalamia, but I couldn't get into them. Long story short, COF was the reason I gave any of those bands a chance.

Yeah pretty much the only symphonic BM band that has stood the test of time for me is Summoning and they've done it so well that I think i'll still be listening to them in 30 years.I'm not sure even they knew of the quality and strangely unique stuff they produced at the time,what a legacy.I mean I very rarely listen to Emperor these days,I loved them when I was 16,17 but Summoning...fuck man i'll never tire of them.