Controversial opinions on metal

Destruction is the best German thrash band.

Damn straight. Sodom and Kreator were good for a short period early in their careers, but when brutality +1 wasn't working anymore with the development of death and black metal, they lost most of what they had going for them. 84-90 Destruction is all about riffcraft and developing one's musical abilities, and they are better for it. They were the Megadeth of Germany. A shame that their 200x material is limited to about three good songs on The Antichrist.

Oh, and...

Sodom - "Code Red", "Agent Orange" & "M-16" are just about 3 of the greatest thrash albums ever made.

Worst Sodom album. It has about four riffs, three being imitation and the fourth being the same old boring three-note tremolo picked riff that Slayer made tired in 1986. No inspiration at all. It's unfortunate that such generic thrash metal has become representative of the sub-genre.
Agent Orange is the best Sodom album. WTF, not just in terms of songs, but some of the greatest lead guitar playing from the 80's.
Agent Orange is the best Sodom album. WTF, not just in terms of songs, but some of the greatest lead guitar playing from the 80's.

What are your favorite solos on it? I've never thought of any Sodom as being lead guitar music.

Destruction is not even as good as Holy Moses, Exumer or Assassin, let alone Kreator or Sodom.

Destruction isn't as good as a third-rate Slayer/Exodus ripoff (Exumer) or a band that released a single fucking respected album (Assassin)? Good one.
The sound of the drums in Blessed are the Sick is annoying and too plastic sounding.

However, if they sounded more natural, then it'd be better then Altars of Madness.
On the topic of best Sodom albums, they have to be In the Sign of Evil and Persecution Mania. I haven't heard the Euro version of Obsessed by Cruelty, but I didn't really enjoy the American version.
The Persecution Mania title track is awesome, but the rest of the album hints at their ultra-derivative future. In the Sign of Evil and M-16 for me.
Agent Orange is a kind of disappointing album for me, some of the songs are a bit too similar. Saying that, the opening title track is one of the best thrash songs I've ever heard. It just gets boring around track 4 or so.

Destruction are the best of german thrash for me, they hold my attention more consistently than the other two. More varied and interesting guitar work on their stuff I think.
The only weak moments on Agent Orange are Remember the Fallen and Ausgebombt, both of which can be fun when in the right mood. The rest of the album is not much less intense than its predecessor, Persecution Mania. The Tank cover song doesn't even count as far as I'm concerned. In other words, it's definitely better than everything that they released after it.
The title track is the worst song on Agent Orange and probably their worst song ever. You can probably write the entire song based on other band's riffs. It's just as pathetic as any Toxic Holocaust plagithrash song.
You probably think that because you have dicks in your ears and get off on spouting obnoxiously eccentric opinions, which is why pretty much everybody with a modicum of self-awareness effectively ignores you beyond casual chastisement.