Controversial opinions on metal

EDIT: Hamburgerboy, what PC game did you get that image from in your avatar? I used to own that game, but I have long since forgotten the name of it. I remember it being a first person RPG that was maddeningly difficult.

I think that portrait is from Wizardry 7 : Crusaders of the Dark Savant

Also this :

in exchange for the lame Brock shite
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Soulside Journey is an amazing album, and it's probably just as good as their black metal material, however I don't think that in anyway it's better then there other stuff.
I don't agree that Soulside Journey is their best... not saying it's not great. Probably the "safe" choice, but IMO it's Transilvanian Hunger, but to each their own I guess.
For those who have a problem with Goatlord, have you heard the original recording that was released with the Frostland Tapes compilation?
It's actually pretty good. I'd say check it out if you liked the Death Metal era Darkthrone and hated the Goatlord albums vocals. The entire Frostland Tapes are great.
Soulside Journey is definitely Darkthrone's best album. Not that the early black metal ones arent really good...

Its not IMO. The Black Metal ones that followed are the only reason people give that record a chance. If it weren't for ABITNS,UAFM, and TH people wouldn't have the ambition to check that one out. Keep in mind im not talking shit on it but their BM albums are basically the highlight of their discography.
You wrote a song about Brock Lesnar? What the fuck. Enough with this shit already!

you think writing fantasy bullshit is so much better?

And Opeth is cheesy....


i dont think its so cheesy, its about UFC

Those were seriously the stupidest lyrics I've ever had the misfortune of reading. Thanks for the laughs though.


whats so stupid about it? it describes what happenes in the cage.


yes he did

I demand a sincere apology for that piece of shit song, you fagtard.
you are not worthy of listening to it AND try to write something better and get back to me.
Brock Lesnar is a ginormous fag and so is this guy for wanting to get in bed with him.