Controversial opinions on metal

Brock Lesnar is a ginormous fag and so is this guy for wanting to get in bed with him.
Am I hearing this correct? Has someone actually written a metal tune about MMA and not been taking the piss.I really need to listen to this.Fuck my service provider for slowing my pc down again,I'll leave it running overnight and will be looking forward to hearing it in the morning.That is some damn funny shit!
instead of being so jealous at brock go to the gym and work out.


^ = You IRL.
God you're an imbecile.

Yeah man I loved the thread that got closed because the discussion went from music to world problems. I laughed like five times at the last page. Which thread that was?

EDIT: Here, this is a gem of UM's last year tbh:

EDIT2: I love how that thread starts with a retarded first post and then tries to retrieve intelligent discussion but then Karmablade returns and basically proves everybody that he's not trolling. Then it goes downhill and downhill ending in complete bullshit. And that string argument!!! :lol: :lol:
sovetsky10 said:
It's one string
Jazz->Blues->Rock'n'Roll->Heavy Metal->Metalcore
It's another
Shakespare->London->Twilight Saga
Look? All became more and more simple. Both in musical and thematical ways. It's where humanity goes-it's normal. Just we are one generation, they are-another. And their children whould be another one, maybe who whould listen to 8-bit music (already listen).
It's how the world turns, and there's no way to avoid it.


Satanstoenial said:
Back in my day we generalised about general things generally. Everything was great back then. Not like now. Food doesn't taste good anymore. Kids don't know shit about anything. Colours aren't as colourful as they were. Society's gone to hell.


Karmablade said:
maybe but it is real regardless, the world is turning into an emotionless robotic place, about food not tasting better some of that is true to due to genetic engineering of for example some vegetables, this world is going downhill.

It's borderline stalker~ish. If Brock Lesnar is ever found dead and raped in his home, we'll see karmablade on the news.