Controversial opinions on metal

To try and get back on track...

When I was first getting into swedish death metal, Grave was the one band that I felt was just second rate, however, I have to say my opinion has changed quite a bit. That brings me to this:

Grave > Entombed
To try and get back on track...

When I was first getting into swedish death metal, Grave was the one band that I felt was just second rate, however, I have to say my opinion has changed quite a bit. That brings me to this:

Grave > Entombed

entombed sucks
^ :lol:

UFC is okay and I enjoy MMA, but most of the people who like it way too much are 'roid fucked terry tough cunt meatheads.

Anyway, I actually haven't heard much Grave to judge but I think Left Hand Path and Wolverine Blues is fucking awesome, if anyone else thinks otherwise they should be KOed by Brock Lesnar. :p
shogun would beat brock?? are you dumb or something? overeem has great stand up skills but no wrestling PLUS he is on ROIDS! you think he can toss around brock? are you living in a fantasy world? about fedor, how is he going to get a sub when brock smothers and shut downs his hips? think before you say something.
Last time I comment on this. your bitching about someone being on steroids when Brock is most definately a steroid abuser? Your an idiot. Fedor's beaten people stronger, faster, more technical, etc then Brock, and if you deny that then you obviously know nothing about Fedor.

Anywho. most swedish osdm sucks, cept for Dismember and a few others, finnish osdm beats it into the ground.
shogun would beat brock?? are you dumb or something? overeem has great stand up skills but no wrestling PLUS he is on ROIDS! you think he can toss around brock? are you living in a fantasy world? about fedor, how is he going to get a sub when brock smothers and shut downs his hips? think before you say something.

I've been watching MMA for over a decade. In my post I was mocking the sheer fanboy praise you give to Lesnar.

That being said, I think everyone's point is that Lesnar, despite the fact that he's improved a lot over the years, still possess many technical inadequacies that can easily be exploited should he fight the right guy.

I personally picked Lesnar to win in all of his fights, losing only once to Frank Mir, albeit a rather controversial referee decision affected the outcome. Anyhow, I think Cain Velasquez is the guy to beat Lesnar. He is a much more of a complete fighter, and even though wrestling is Lesnar's strong suit, it's very apparent to me that people forget about Cain's wrestling background too. I've believed for quite a while that Cain would find his way to the top of the UFC at some point so this is his chance.

Also, has Overeem tested positive for steroids? Just like Lesnar, you can make all of the accusations you want. So don't be a hypocrite.
I agree although they are'nt my favourite band from that region,that would have to be Damaar and Ayat.Although neither Damaar nor Ayat sound particularly Middle Eastern.