Controversial opinions on metal

Are the most people people who are people the mostest, or are they just people who are the mostest of people?

So what your saying is that actually the majority of of the human mind as it sees itself is only an illusion created by the primitive subconscience deeply rooted in our cerebrial cortexes left there by our naturally egotisical thought patterns thus we are no better than monkeys and other "lower" forms of life thus making humanity's quest for self satisfaction meaningless and I should devote myself to removing every shred of my ego from myself in an attempt to achieve inner peace?
Karmablade is a pretty great troll. Obvious troll, but causing SO much unrest. I think we need to start a Karmablade IGNORE-A-THON.
Man I feel sorry for you,it's obvious they don't like the shit,for whatever reason...musics subjective.You could crap on till you're blue in the face but if a person does'nt like it then you can't make them,you'll just be a target man.And seriously MMA themed metal is a prime candidate.Put your talents to better use,maybe study metal a bit more or whatever.
this is a REAL pic of karma, nutthugger hall of fame .....

Man I feel sorry for you,it's obvious they don't like the shit,for whatever reason...musics subjective.You could crap on till you're blue in the face but if a person does'nt like it then you can't make them,you'll just be a target man.And seriously MMA themed metal is a prime candidate.Put your talents to better use,maybe study metal a bit more or whatever.

whats wrong with mma themed metal? the fantasy bullshit iron maiden and other bands write about is so much better? this is real at least.. study metal? ive most likely been into metal way longer than you, since 1989.

i still cant believe this nutthugger made an actual song about his man crush on Lesnar.
believe it, he is my favourite fighter