Controversial opinions on metal

Anyway, I've misread your post. Yea, just try some of the artists that were recommended to you in the non-metal forum. You may find something you'll like. I think NinaGeek posted a huge list of artists who don't sing about relationships
I'm not that keen on Led Zep. I do like them and some songs are great but I'm just not that into their sound.

I think some new metal is boring compared to some old metal.

I much prefer vocalists with British accents.
Actually, I've seen a lot of people hold that opinion, and I did too, long ago, when I was only listening to classic rock and metal, mostly from the 60s-80s. Eventually I started listening to more recent progressive and power metal, and then extreme and experimental metal. Most of my favourite music comes from the 90's or the 00's.

Now, I listen to a lot more than just metal. I love jazz and techno, and I even listen to a little mainstream pop/rock and some underground hiphop.

Oh yeah, and I'm 15. I don't think my age group makes much of a difference really.
controversial statements... I hate the 80s in almost every way. I like a few 80s bands like Metallica and Slayer, and Neil Young made a few good albums in the 80s, but 99% of the music I like does not come from the 80s. I kinda like Scream Bloody Gore but 80s death metal has to be my least favorie form of extreme metal. Metal in the 90s and the 00s is the best. Everything in the 80s either sounds too lo-fi and muddled, or so overproduced as to assure 100% sterility. 90s and 00s bands have a balance between those extremes. Even the actual lo-fi stuff of today sounds better than most 80s album productions.

Also, as if it wasn't obvious, I love the new modern production that everybody disses. I wish every album had that production. It's thrice as powerful as any previous production. It's LOUDER! YES! And everybody who claims that it hurts the dichotomy between soft and loud is making stuff up. Listen to any new metal song with a piano intro or something, you can't get more obvious than that.
Prove it :lol:

Panteraguy is absolutely right. If metal never bores him, why should he be forced to move out of his comfort zone? Is he going to miss out on some spiritual enlightening by not listening to u2, tool, radiohead, hiphop, etc. It's just fucking music.

actually it's not just fucking music. really good music should be emotionally and spiritually powerful. limiting yourself to just one genre is limiting yourself to only a small part of the overrall spectrum or emotion and spirituality in music.
I dont see how you could listen to anything else, there's so many fucking metal bands. I like rock and other shit but I dont listen to it at any rate, radio stuff is ok but much metal how do you just say well imma gonna grab some blues albums now..
I'm with RMS. I don't listen only to metal due to any principle or rule or anything, I just rarely find myself feeling like anything else. I'll listen to anything, but 9 times out of 10 I feel more like listening to some metal.
I dont see how you could listen to anything else, there's so many fucking metal bands. I like rock and other shit but I dont listen to it at any rate, radio stuff is ok but much metal how do you just say well imma gonna grab some blues albums now..

Personally, this is how I do it:

*Listens to Commit Suicide album*
"Yeah! Wooohooo! Rock on!"
*Puts back CD on alphabetized shelf, looks at album next to it*
"Oh look, Albert Collins. I think I'll play this next."
*Listens to Albert Collins*
I just go through my albums and say "what genre am I in the mood for," and then I say "I feel like some thrash" and then I say "what shall I put on?"
Then I say "well, I haven't listened to this metallica album in a while, so I'll throw that on. And I've only given this Sodom album 1 try, so I'll throw that on too, and this Dew Scented album is always good for a spin." And then I say "That'll cover me for the next 2 hours or so" and then I pick up my book and start reading and then I say "why the fuck am I talking to myself?"
I've recently developed the habit of occasionally talking to myself under my breath, but only when I'm planning things. It's kinda weird.
I find that people who listen to nothing but metal tend to be morons.
Oooo, now I'm offended, Harry. lol

I'm with RMS. I don't listen only to metal due to any principle or rule or anything, I just rarely find myself feeling like anything else. I'll listen to anything, but 9 times out of 10 I feel more like listening to some metal.

Same here. I don't listen to only metal out of principle, but rather, because metal is pretty much the only thing I find myself liking. And as rms mentioned, the genre of metal is so broad that it in itself holds enough of a range of styles to keep one satisfied.