Controversial opinions on metal

So much for black metal being the magical end-all genre that, according to the forums, everyone with a little patience comes to inevitably cherish. :)

Well it really does get kind of ridiculous - some just look silly, and some are genuinely fucked up people, but either way they're ridiculous.
I'm in a black metal phase as well along with hardcore punk and grunge (for some weird reason). I think I overdosed on death metal in the past few months or so.
I don't really get sick of any specific (sub)genre, but for some reason I sometimes feel more in the mood for one genre than another. I've seen several people on here saying that they have gotten sick of black/death metal and are moving onto other music, but that will never happen to me. I've never even really taken a break from metal. I couldn't do that, since I would have nothing to listen to then, as metal is the only thing I listen to.
I don't get sick of it, but I take like maybe a week hiatus from it. I think as long as you have a decent variety, you won't get sick of a genre/sub-genre.
ok how about some more?

early CoF is good
most Dimmu is good
megadeth is meh
possessed is overrated (despite the fact that seven churches is a very good album)
most prog metal i've heard is really dull
power metal is mostly laughable
I don't really get sick of any specific (sub)genre, but for some reason I sometimes feel more in the mood for one genre than another. I've seen several people on here saying that they have gotten sick of black/death metal and are moving onto other music, but that will never happen to me. I've never even really taken a break from metal. I couldn't do that, since I would have nothing to listen to then, as metal is the only thing I listen to.
That's probably because you've never listened to anything outside
of metal that you've actually enjoyed. That's pretty sad, I guess.
I don't really get sick of any specific (sub)genre, but for some reason I sometimes feel more in the mood for one genre than another. I've seen several people on here saying that they have gotten sick of black/death metal and are moving onto other music, but that will never happen to me. I've never even really taken a break from metal. I couldn't do that, since I would have nothing to listen to then, as metal is the only thing I listen to.

I don't think I have many controversial metal opinions, but here's one off the top of my head:

Summoning has never ever made a listenable album in their entire career except Lugburz, which is merely tolerable.

However, it might be more apt to restate the above as "I do not understand the appeal of Summoning. Even if they are good, I simply do not get what is so good about them. Sorry."