Controversial opinions on metal

I don't see how hard it can be for you to jump from Dimmu Borgir to Emperor and Limbonic Art. And once you like those bands, you'll eventually come to appreciate standard Black Metal, and from there you can crank up the technicality and Death Metal will start appealing to you.

In other words, get In the Nightside Eclipse and In Abhorrence Dementia.

fucking dot. I thought I'd never like death metal. A couple weeks later, I'm jamming to Bloodbath.
God fuck it. I type up this nice long reply to Zeph's post, and the second I hit the "reply" button my browser shuts down without warning. Here goes attempt number two...
I don't see how hard it can be for you to jump from Dimmu Borgir to Emperor and Limbonic Art. And once you like those bands, you'll eventually come to appreciate standard Black Metal, and from there you can crank up the technicality and Death Metal will start appealing to you.

In other words, get In the Nightside Eclipse and In Abhorrence Dementia.

Well, a big part of what I like about Dimmu is the melodies. I think they do a fantastic job of riff writing, and to me they really stand out above any other black metal band I've heard in that respect. I have listened to Emperor and Limbonic Art before, but they just didn't grab me on the first listen like Dimmu did. Of course, that's not to say I've given either a fair chance, and I'll probably listen to them again at some point.

I think I can safely say, though, that standard black metal will never appeal to me as much as Dimmu does. I'm not a big fan of the minimalistic trend in the genre.
It isn't that, it is just that minimalism is hardly a trend in black metal. It is more of a ... founding idea.
Harry is right again. Minimalism in black metal has been around since the beginning of the second wave, so it isn't really a trend. If anything, minimalistic black metal is a style of black metal
Well, a big part of what I like about Dimmu is the melodies. I think they do a fantastic job of riff writing, and to me they really stand out above any other black metal band I've heard in that respect. I have listened to Emperor and Limbonic Art before, but they just didn't grab me on the first listen like Dimmu did. Of course, that's not to say I've given either a fair chance, and I'll probably listen to them again at some point.

I think I can safely say, though, that standard black metal will never appeal to me as much as Dimmu does. I'm not a big fan of the minimalistic trend in the genre.

Once you escape from the hole you apparently live in, you'll probably find that there is MUCH better black metal than Dimmu Borgir.
Is this supposed to be the old "Dimmu isn't REAL black metal" line? 'Cause just to be clear, I don't like them for being a black metal band. I like them for their riffs, and for having song structures that aren't drawn-out as fuck.
Yea it's clear that you're into stuff that's instantly appealing (though a lot minimilist BM is this way for me) and truly have missed the point of black metal entirely. I hope one day you will grasp this wonderful genre more fully
Or you could just grasp catchy metal more fully, and realise that it's a lot more entertaining than black metal. :p
Is this supposed to be the old "Dimmu isn't REAL black metal" line? 'Cause just to be clear, I don't like them for being a black metal band. I like them for their riffs, and for having song structures that aren't drawn-out as fuck.

Their first couple of albums are black metal but they do not currently play black metal. Dimmu Borgir (even in their early days) are an extremely accessible band. I predict that you will branch out into the less accessible realms of black metal eventually.
ok let me think of a few i haven't said already:

the first two maiden albums while good aren't nearly as good as the rest of their 80's output.

the first two bathory albums are meh. they only become interesting with the third album.

hellhammer is way overrated.

venom sucks.

the bleeding is the best death metal album ever made (or at least the best i've heard).

beherit is utterly awful.

grindcore, metalcore and all other permutations of core are awful.

kill em all is highly overrated.

pleasure to kill is highly overrated.

sodom is overrated.

brutal death, tech death and melo-death are by and large boring.
I'm fucking tired of nearly all the necrotic stuff I used to listen to. I'm switching to rock and heavy/power/thrash metal for the time being.