Controversial opinions on metal

What gets me is how devastatingly depressing a lot of this stuff is.
You know, I'm beginning to miss those days when you could just pick a random album off the shelf in a store, come home and just listen to it without prejudice. That's something I should've started doing a long time ago.
All that purposefully evil and dark stuff. I'm fed up with it already.

So much for black metal being the magical end-all genre that, according to the forums, everyone with a little patience comes to inevitably cherish. :)
It;s just a phase that nearly everyone who's joined this board, is bound to go through. For some it just lasts longer than others.
But I consider myself fairly open-minded, actually(despite shitting on the majority of established genre classics, hahaha). Why have I punched myself into this dark corner, no idea.:)
I'm fucking tired of nearly all the necrotic stuff I used to listen to. I'm switching to rock and heavy/power/thrash metal for the time being.

Necrotic lulz

You don't have to switch, music preference isn't exactly a conscious decision :err: I was a Burzum fan boy for about two years and then I started listening to Erasure. I still listen to Xasthur and all that shit
It's normal to get burned out on Black Metal overindulgence. I did so a couple times, but then I realized that I needed to balance it out with other genres. The first time I burned out I ended up listening to classical music and The Beatles for about a week, then I went out on a limb and picked up some classic doom metal albums, and was incredibly satisfied. Not long later I was back into Black Metal, having established a nice balance.

More recently I've experienced a slight burnout on extreme metal in general, so I'll use that as an opportunity to check out some world music, but more classic heavy metal like Cirith Ungol and Manilla Road. What ends up happening is by burning out on one genre, you end up thoroughly exploited most of them.
Every few months I find I look at my collection & cannot find a single album I want to listen to. I'll listen to stand up comedy cds or radio... fuck I've even raided my girlfriends George Michael & Missy Higgins stash in particularly dark times.
Which leads me to my controversial opinion... George Michael is actually an excellent songwriter... middle era stuff I mean.
ok let me think of a few i haven't said already:

the first two maiden albums while good aren't nearly as good as the rest of their 80's output.

the first two bathory albums are meh. they only become interesting with the third album.

hellhammer is way overrated.

venom sucks.

the bleeding is the best death metal album ever made (or at least the best i've heard).

beherit is utterly awful.

grindcore, metalcore and all other permutations of core are awful.

kill em all is highly overrated.

pleasure to kill is highly overrated.

sodom is overrated.

brutal death, tech death and melo-death are by and large boring.

Aside from the KIA SNAFU, that list is spot on.
ok let me think of a few i haven't said already:

the first two maiden albums while good aren't nearly as good as the rest of their 80's output.

the first two bathory albums are meh. they only become interesting with the third album.

hellhammer is way overrated.

venom sucks.

the bleeding is the best death metal album ever made (or at least the best i've heard).

beherit is utterly awful.

grindcore, metalcore and all other permutations of core are awful.

kill em all is highly overrated.

pleasure to kill is highly overrated.

sodom is overrated.

brutal death, tech death and melo-death are by and large boring.
I can agree with alot of this. Except I listen to melo-death quite often.
Dio era Sabbath is better than Ozzy era Sabbath.

Mercyful Fate and King Diamond are both crappy Halloween-themed bands that just need to die out. :puke: Death SS, on the other hand, is amazing.

Reverend Bizarre, High on Fire, Gates of Slumber, Hour of 13, Orodruin, Witchfinder General, Black Boned Angel, Mistress of the Dead, Voice Transmission with the Deceased, and Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon are all horrible doom acts. :heh:

UneXpect, Solefald, Subterreanean Masquerade, and Ved Buenos Ende all suck in comparison to the almighty Orthrelm. o_O


For the first time, I agree with you. Except for the Sabbath thing, Ozzy>Dio.