Controversial opinions on metal

Doom es mucho bueno, Genesis, though, is only about a 5.

i dont speak spanish, but jfac were so much better as a core band, they had more versitality, better ranged vocals, much more of an experimental sound, but with all the hate they got for being the top of the core charts(sorta like trivium always got even though they really werent THAT bad) they decided to go for a more mature death metal sound, the vocalist(being a dumbass) decided to only growl the whole record, which is good but not if everybody knows you're holding back, some of the most boring drums ever, and that you need(or at least should be) to be a talented guitar player to pull off death metal i'd give genesis a 3 at best while the doom EP i'd give a 7. just something i noticed a few seconds ago
More of an experimental sound when they were at the top of the core charts? What were they experimenting with? To see how much they could be like everyone else but still stand out?

i was comparing their experimentalness with genesis, not with the rest of the core population. it wasnt just blastgrowlblastgrowl like their new stuff is
I heard one song from them and it was awful and besides that would never check out a band on my own called 'A Job For A Cowboy'.
I would class them formerly generic Deathcore now only slightly less generic Death Metal since they got rid of the screamed vocals and breakdowns. (Or maybe I just heard tracks with neither of these?)

I never thought they were heavy enough to be deathcore... and they're now just groovy metalcore. They have a few songs that are decent on Genesis, but the album is one of the largest disappointments I've had in music.
Job For a Cowboy makes me embarrassed to be from Arizona. In fact, I live about 5 minutes away from their hometown (Glendale). I should blow up Glendale and hopefully those chodes are there when I do it.