Convivial Hermit 1

Ellestin lent me a copy, the author's a friend of his. If you can't get in touch maybe he shall help.
my photos were printed in the issue #5 :)
i need to take more so you use them in the next one (2047) :P
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I dont understand because I thought there was a thread for #9 but whatever I've had a very strong ale tonight on a mostly empty stomach so here I am bumping oh wait this is the thread anyhow glad I found it fuck punctuation on a Wednesday no thank you sirs and madams anyhow well done with this issue because I find myself blind buying several albums referenced therein immediately fuck money fuck logic only music is real cheers yous twos
Hardywood Gingerbread Stout which used to be dirt cheap at Trader Joe's, I remember buying some a few years ago and thinking they should charge more for such fine quality. Someone else thought so too, cost me double a few weeks ago. Still worth it!
He hit me up on Sept 26th, said ye hollered at him on my behalf. Sent me a generic link to order. Thought I was going to get the hermetic vip treatment. I dont think anything is sketch, prob got tossed out by my libtard postman. They dont take to kind to alternative publications around these parts ye see. To the vanity pyre with this drivel.

I'll just end up ordering another, dont sweat it brug.