Cool or Not Cool?

A 3 is straight tbh. Everybody is a little gay, according to Kinsey who's actually reasonably trustworthy. I took a very authoritative online quiz that said I was 15% gay; this means, basically, that you only want to fuck women and men don't turn you on. But maybe a tiny bit if you were drunk.

Manowar is more or less the definition of manhood. They even have "man" in their name. Somebody's a wimp or poser, methinks.
His scale's all fucked up, because Manowar is pretty fucking gay in my book.

I think if someone honestly thought Manowar was gay, then a hole would rip in the space time continuem and suck them through, then deposit them in an alternate dimension with unicorns, rainbows and dicks everywhere.

Anywhoo, I think I got enough information about it, if the ultimate metal forum says its gay, it's ultimately gay.
Manowar is seriously the most polarizing band in music bar none.

They're either a really hilarious joke or the most epic, manly thing on the planet.
Hardcore dancin is kind a fucked up, it can be fun, but only for so long as the Idiots stay for themselfes. I like Moshpits, and I like a little of brutality in it, but it should stay in the case of pushin around and jumpin, and helpin people up when down. but those Hardcore fuckers are really stupid.
and Manowar is the most laughable band ever.
Hardcore dancin is kind a fucked up, it can be fun, but only for so long as the Idiots stay for themselfes. I like Moshpits, and I like a little of brutality in it, but it should stay in the case of pushin around and jumpin, and helpin people up when down. but those Hardcore fuckers are really stupid.
and Manowar is the most laughable band ever.

I agree with all of roomie was playin some online game and this guy in his guild kept goin on bout Manowar...and we took a between fits of uncontrolable laughter i was like What the fuck...
They're either a really hilarious joke or the most epic, manly thing on the planet.
They're both.
Their music is mostly pretty crap, but it's sorta the musical equivalent of Conan the Destroyer or Beastmaster; silly, pretentious, inflated, bombastic, and really dumb but at the same time really fun.

I also think Kiss are gay, if that gives you any inkling of my inclinations. And corpse paint, for that matter. That hasn't been cool since like 1985.

I think Behemoth do corpsepaint really well. Aside from them, yeah, it's pretty much wall-to-wall gayness. Except for Immortal, because they're so inherently goofy that it just makes them aweseomer.
I don't think we'll ever have to worry about hardcore dance gayness at an Amon show or any viking death show for that matter. If you see that shit going on at a show it's really just a sign that you should evaluate why the fuck you're at that show.
I don't think we'll ever have to worry about hardcore dance gayness at an Amon show or any viking death show for that matter. If you see that shit going on at a show it's really just a sign that you should evaluate why the fuck you're at that show.

Actually I saw it and punched a guy that punched my brother...Granted it was only 2 people and they quit after gettin smacked down a few times by the rest of us.