Musically, I hope Bush comes back.

Personally, I hope Bush tells them to go fuck themselves. Scott and Charlie don't deserve a class guy like John.
That would depend on who actually owns the band name. I know L.A. Guns have two different lineups calling themselves L.A. Guns, and Faster Pussycat had something like that going on not too long ago. I seem to recall Yes having two different lineups at one point too.

Ratt did it too. I was more or less busting balls. I think Lilker came up with the name Anthrax too. Either way, this is being drawn out a bit too much. I liked WCFYA. I wish they would put that lineup back together already.
That's a bad idea. Asking both and not telling the other that you asked the other is underhanded and shitty. Much like the reunion where they didn't tell either singer if it was permanent or not. You have to make a choice and stick with it or it causes too much drama and puts you into situations...well, much like the one we have right now.

It was actually a joke - though I appreciated the duet on "Ball Of Confusion" and would be curious about what a dual singer album would sound like I know that this is VERY unlikely to happen.
at this point it looks as though ANY album is unlikely to happen. At least they ended studio work with two great works. WCFYA and GOTE. and that as far I am concerned is where it should stop.
would LOVE to see Bush come back.
While not a Slipknot fan (at all), I did hear some Stone Sour and I think Taylor's vocals may have been a good fit with Anthrax. I would have given it a shot.

I love Stone Sour and think Corey's vocals would have been worth giving a chance but seriously, there was no way he was going to be able to tour with Anthrax. A guy cannot front three bands at once!

They need to kiss John Bush's ass and ask him to come back - the WCFYA line-up just makes sense at this point.
Well, this isn't exactly suprising is it? How lame. I don't know---I think once you go the reunion route and that blows up on you, you are pretty much done. I mean, they've managed to piss off the Joey and John fans through this whole thing so I really don't know whose left. Bringing a heavy hitter like Corey in to the band was the only thing that would have given it a decent chance of succeeding. At this point, they would need to form a new band with some other kick ass guys, kind of like Hellyeah or (pardon the example) Stone Sour if they want to keep making a career out of this. Scott and Charlie have enough name recognition to make something like that happen.

I hate to admit it but this makes the most sense. The reunion only got you so much attention. John won't come back and even so, it won't change anything about the Anthrax image which (lets not beat around the bush) isn't quite good around most of the internet.

I would say by now that they will have to consider going the route of doing stuff under a different name.

Like him or not, Corey would have at least given them a big name within the current scene.
at this point it looks as though ANY album is unlikely to happen. At least they ended studio work with two great works. WCFYA and GOTE. and that as far I am concerned is where it should stop.

another similar thought in which I have had, I have this scary image of them trying to alter their sound even more to fit within the current sound of mainstream metal., it won't change anything about the Anthrax image which (lets not beat around the bush) isn't quite good around most of the internet.

You're right, what Anthrax had was the underground and diehards...... and I think they've done a great job at screwing that up.
In a few years, someone will write an unauthorized biography on Anthrax named Anthrax: how to kill a career in 5 easy steps...