Correct Metal vibrato

Which vibrato is correct?

  • Half tone (one frett)

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Whole tone (two fretts)

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
You know who else has excellent vibrato - John Sykes (I was just listening to Blue Murder yesterday and it was one of the things that caught my attention). I'm also surprised no one has mentioned the flawless vibrato of Yngwie J. Malmsteen - despite being a complete douche - he has great vibrato.

How could i forget either of them?
Im a huge Sykes fan(Amazing songwriter and player.), and Yngwie is annoying.. because i hate him so much but i cant say that he sucks. :lol: eg.mp3

To be honest, I never thought about it until now, but I guess I would say I always do half step vibrato when the pitch I'm centered on is the one I'm fretting, and whole-step vibrato when the pitch I'm centered on is the one I'm bending to (in other words, notice how it sounds like I'm focused on the higher note in the second half, unlike in the first)

Thanks for that Marcus!
there is noooo formula - here is how I do it >>>>My Yngwie solo

get it as wide and as extreme as possible - also bear in mind Yngwie uses "8's - so it's easier to get a bit wider!!
Thanks for all the videos in the first two pages too guys. Those together with the discussion has put me in the right direction. One thing I've picked is that both half and whole steps have their place, but the phrasing has to be right, something which not all of the players in the vids have IMO.

Damn, I've got a lot of work ahead of me :erk:
Personally, the Amott brothers are my inspiration for vibrato, and the more i practice the more i FEEL how it's meant to be played. Something about a vibrato, you just know what to expect, so I just play them like i expect to hear it :S

SOrry if that's weird... my .02 anyway lol
I also like the Amott brothers, Mike has a nice control of fast/ wide vs slow/ shallow, but I think Chris has a nicer phrasing of it with better pitch control. Actually I like Chris over Mike in general.