Correct Metal vibrato

Which vibrato is correct?

  • Half tone (one frett)

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Whole tone (two fretts)

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
Huh? This is my first post by the way, but I have always figured it is determined by the interval the vibrato is applied to. If a major lead run ends on, say, a C then sharping it at all would give it a minor feel (a D minor) in so much a vibrato affects the notes place musically (not much in my opinion). The rhythm plays an obvious role in dictating the appropriate note as well.

Honestly, in practice I notice whole tone vibrato must be applied with more care.
IMO the key you are playing in should make no difference to vibrato. If you're bending as far as a semitone then that's too wide. Vibrato should follow the human voice, it should make notes sing. I also don't like vibrato that is too fast, again it should follow the human voice. Of course there are exceptions, but to me these are just an effect and not what I'd consider normal vibrato. The vibrato I hate the most (and hear the most) is by players who can't bend properly and use it to cover up that they haven't reach the target note.

In metal everything tends to be a bit more dramatic, wider more wild vibrato, I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think vibrato needs to be a complete interval, bends yes.

Edit: After reading through the replies (as opposed to just skimming over it) I see skeksis268 has put it far more eloquently than I

Whatever sounds good in the context. Often i'll build the vibrato from small to large, fast to slow, all over the place. There's no way you're gonna be expressive on an instrument if you follow a preset "metal" formula for every note you play
abt said:
Vibrato should follow the human voice, it should make notes sing.

Actually yeah, this is the best explanation that fits what I think is good vibrato, which apparently everyone else agrees with - not bitch shaking like Hammett but making the notes SING.
Thanks guys. The last week of playing seems to have put me onto a better path as far as technique goes (I hope :lol: ). I'll continue t owork on it an hopefully towards the end of the year you will all be heraring more of my playing on here.