Correlation between Religion and Athletes

I know a couple women from my town and they have a Bachelor's degree in Biology and they're still Conservative Christians. I find it odd and ironic they still believe in such a strict view of Christianity.
No, they are (more likely) religious because they are less educated. Educated does not equal intelligence by the way. I'm not trying to be snarky and say atheists are smarter. But there is a correlation between being less educated and being more religious.
I believe there is a correlation between being less educated and blind faith. And being religious does NOT necessarily mean blind faith.

Absolutely! Many theories of religion point out that religion is often the desires and feelings of humanities externalized. It seems pretty silly to me, as others mentioned, that an athlete would believe an supernatural being of unknowable power and knowledge who created the universe would help them out in a game, but at the end of the day the celebration is more about the athlete than the supernatural being he is thanking.

How do you know that he's thanking God for helping him in that game. Every religious athlete who believes in good is more likely to pray before the game (be it right before the game starts or days before or anything), and scoring a goal makes them think that God replied to their prays. That sounds more of a logical explanation to me.
I didn't read the thread. But I trust that somebody mentioned how athletes are religious because they are of low intelligence and did not concentrate on their studies. :D :D
I am sick to death of atheists sitting around snarking about religious people as if all people with faith are drooling retards who need us to push them into seeing the correct path - if you get what I'm saying.

This expresses my feelings perfectly. I don't have a problem with any of you being atheists, just stop being so fucking condescending about it.
This expresses my feelings perfectly. I don't have a problem with any of you being atheists, just stop being so fucking condescending about it.

Yeah dude. I'm an atheist myself but I'm not too blinded by my beliefs to see the obvious similarity in Jesus and Richard Dawkins when it comes to folks pushing their beliefs.