Corsets: OT sort of

Just making a funny observation. Personally don't care, it's just typical of most women. Interesting to see that most are no different no matter what the situation. Well have fun at what you do.

Then why comment?

Of course, if you think we're typical women, I sympathize for you. Especially when you meet us all. Need me to make sure an ambulance is there for ya? Or do I just need to keep the smelling salts on-hand? :goggly:
*pointedly ignores Heaven and Hell Productions*

Okay ladies (or knowledgeable men) how precisely are corsets sized? I was looking at some on the Fredrick's of Hollywood site, and the sizes run from about 34-38. Now, is this the same as bra sizes, when going around the chest?
*pointedly ignores Heaven and Hell Productions*

Okay ladies (or knowledgeable men) how precisely are corsets sized? I was looking at some on the Fredrick's of Hollywood site, and the sizes run from about 34-38. Now, is this the same as bra sizes, when going around the chest?

I'm not sure exactly how Fredericks is sized, but normally it's based on how big a diameter you want your waist. If you know your waist size, you want to start out about 2 inches smaller than that.

Speaking of (to the general populace), I have several waist cinchers that are 26" and 24". If anyone wants to borrow them let me know and I'll send you pictures and bring them to Wednesday night to look at. Plus, if you love them so much you want them, I'm willing to negotiate on a price. Just PM me.
Just making a funny observation. Personally don't care, it's just typical of most women. Interesting to see that most are no different no matter what the situation. Well have fun at what you do.

I think you don't quite get the simple fact that the typical "most women" women do not make up the vast majority of the female ProgPower attendees. I, for one, am incredibly proud of the fact that I am not part of that generalization/class of bitch. I am also thankful for having met so many other wonderful not-like-most-women ladies through ProgPower and the music we hold in such high regard. I had all but given up hope that decent females existed in this world until my first ProgPower (V). Suggesting that most are like skanky groupie parasites is laughable.

To me, it matters not what is worn on the outside that makes a person. It's the personality that counts. If those persons are females who kick ass and want to show off their chesticles while having some innocent fun, more power to them. If not, they're still going to be loved,squished, licked (yes, that's for you Miss Yardley *mwah!*) and generally share in a few wonderful days of friends and music. I say leave the clique-usations, bashing, snubbing of noses and finger pointing back between K-12.
To me, this is no different that a group of people calling each other up and saying, "Want to meet for drinks before the show?"

Some will do it, some won't some say they will and then don't and some will show up with out a "formal" invitation and be accepted by the group.

The ONLY difference between this and guys that show up in black band shirts at a metal show is that this is planned. Personally, I'd rather stand out in a crowd... And not ONE corset is ever the same. We each get to express our individuality. So we're wearing the same type of clothing, so is every other single person at any given metal show.

Some of you kids really need to grow up.

I love all my ladies, corset or not.

I was looking at some on the Fredrick's of Hollywood site, and the sizes run from about 34-38. Now, is this the same as bra sizes, when going around the chest?

Just to confirm, Frederick's goes by bra size, although as Lara pointed out, they SHOULD be sized by waist, 2-4" smaller than your natural measurement (I'd stick with 2" if it's not a custom-made). There's supposed to be a small gap in the laces, but if you aren't comfortable with that, there are some corsets that come with modesty flaps.

You don't want to lace Frederick's corsets (or most any under $100-150) too tight, either, because they're almost always made with plastic boning, which will bend out of place and poke you in your bulgy bits, which is very very uncomfortable over the course of an entire evening. And if they come with cheap ribbon laces, replace 'em with something a little more industrial, otherwise the laces will fray and snap very quickly.
Um, how did Corset Night become controversal? It's not necessary for ANYTHING especially friendships - that's the BEST part of PP, besides the music. I never wore one until last year, but geez, I thought it was fun to dress in a way I never felt I could before. Ladies: wear it if you like. Wear something else funky if you want. Just go with the standard black, band shirt if you choose; but it's all about the freedom we have at PP that we don't have any other time in our lives to have fun with fashion....or not. The bonding is still there for everyone.

Chesticles? I'm lacking, lol.
"chesticles?" Hooray! I have another word to use to freak out Al! :D The one I use so far is "breasticles." He hates it.

Thank you for the corset tips, ladies. I appreciate it! The reason I was looking at the Frederick's corsets (plastic boning and all) is because they're somewhat cheap. I've been getting tips from friends who wear corsets too, but in the mean time I'm still keeping my eye out for a cheap corset.

Barring that, I have two pseudo corsets already, one from Hot Topic, and one from Victoria's Secret. But I'd rather have the real deal. :)

^^ I couldn't remember the name and had to go ask a friend. This is the company I was talking about a page or two back, which makes really nice corsets (all strictly underbust) but are just a little too short on me. They start at $100.

^^ I couldn't remember the name and had to go ask a friend. This is the company I was talking about a page or two back, which makes really nice corsets (all strictly underbust) but are just a little too short on me. They start at $100.

Someone on Livejournal actually linked me to there today! :)

However, if they're short on you, I have to wonder if they'd be short on me. Unless you happen to be quite tall. The girl who linked me to that site is 5'10" and loves their corsets. However, I'm not sure how tall she is through the torso. My torso is a bit on the long side. It's about half my body length (my legs comprising the other half) and I'm about 5'8". I'm wondering if I'd have a similar problem to you?
I'm very longwaisted (I'm 5'8 and have about a 29" inseam), which is most of the problem; the additional problem is that my excess weight sits on my upper flanks, and a corset that's too short makes them bulge a bit, which is unflattering; thus I really like mine to be an inch or two longer to keep that under control. If you aren't too flabby in that area, you'll probably be fine with it.
There are plenty of "bonding opportunities" over the weekend. Most of them involve either alcohol, Yardley Bates, or both, though--consider yourself warned. ;) Hell, you can "participate" without wearing anything even remotely resembling a corset.

NOT AT ALL!! I bonded (I said bonded not bondage, Yardley!) with plenty of the ladies and have not worn corsets at the designated night, this will be first year corset night for me. They are all lovely,wonderful, friendly and outgoing ladies. What you wear at PP shouldn't effect how you interact with them.

Yardley: You should have! Because I seriously didn't see you AT ALL. Although...I'm not sure I should be giving you the go-ahead to pinch my rear. Al might get jealous. :D

If not, they're still going to be loved,squished, licked (yes, that's for you Miss Yardley *mwah!*) and generally share in a few wonderful days of friends and music.

I've so not been keeping up with this thread. Man I love you guys! I miss you soo much! I can't wait to feel you ALL UP!