Cover songs

Shitty cover of one of the best black metal songs ever. Vocals are horrid - yet another reason why De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas would not be better with some generic black metal screamer. Anyway, they absolutely butcher the middle section.

I don't even know what to say about this! The vocals are hilarious!
Shitty cover of one of the best black metal songs ever. Vocals are horrid - yet another reason why De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas would not be better with some generic black metal screamer. Anyway, they absolutely butcher the middle section.

I mean, I thought the Gorgoroth cover of "Life Eternal" was pretty good, but this is just lacking in atmosphere compared to the original.

However, I think is a good cover out of the ones I've checked out. It doesn't try to replicate the atmosphere of the original; rather, it creates its own. Whereas the original was like an everflowing cascade of snow burying the listener, this version cuts you like daggers of ice:

This is probably one of the best cover songs I've ever heard, I can probably list more. But they aren't coming to mind right now.

Another great one!
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I mean, I thought the Gorgoroth cover of "Life Eternal" was pretty good, but this is just lacking in atmosphere compared to the original.

However, I think is a good cover out of the ones I've checked out. It doesn't try to replicate the atmosphere of the original; rather, it creates its own. Whereas the original was like an everflowing cascade of snow burying the listener, this version cuts you like daggers of ice:

Yeah this is a pretty good cover. Of course, no one can match Nocturno’s haunting vocal performance on this album. I’ve actually never listening to this band - what’s their best release?
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I haven't listened to them much myself. Just a few songs here and there off Youtube aside from that cover. I guess Doomed to Die would be a good place to start since it's apparently their most popular album.