

May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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Do you guys have cravings for a certain food/ drink/spice - that you only want to have that type of food/ drink for a few weeks until sick of it?

I remember a year or so ago, I had this thing for cinnamon...
I ate everything with cinnamon... cinnamon cookies, cinnamon on my coffee, cinnamon in my tea, cinnamon cinnamon!!!!

Recently, I'm a BloodyMary-coholic...
I've always used to love this drink, but recently, it's like I must have it ALL THE TIME - spicy with celery...


no, btw, I'm not pregnant.
i never understood the Bloody Mary. Maybe because I think v8/Veggie juice is disgusting, nevermind adding alcohol to it. Then celery Fuck that.

As for cravings, I guess but they are fleeting.
Strangely -I have had the exact same fuckin' 'craving' for the past few month. I always drink extra spicy double shot Bloody Marys.
Seriously, that shit makes no sense to me.

i dunno about the rest of the bloody mary drinkers, but i tend to guzzle them down much the same way i do a protein shake after a workout. nutrients nutrients nutrients, get in my belly!

i've never had more than one in a sitting, but i fear i could get really drunk really fast off of bm's. KAREN next time derick and i are in town, you and i are going to have ourselves an evening of bloody marys, whether we're particularly craving them or not!
Was craving a hot pocket for some odd reason, so I went to the store and got 2 half pound pepperoni ones.

I kinda regret this purchase now and still don't understand the craving.