
Supposedly teaching English but really it's more babysitting/entertaining. Last night I apparently entertained the fuck out of a group of them. After giving them some strawberries from which I'd removed the stems with a straw they were so interested in how I eat fruit that they couldn't take their eyes off me. When I started to peel an orange the room was filled with gasps and amazed exclamations.
Holy fucking pretension! :lol:

Not really, considering how stupid most of us are.

And heaven forbid I get offended by something that offensive! One of the worst things you could say to a woman who wants a baby is "please dont' reproduce". So fuck you!

For a long time I thought I'd never want a kid simply for the fact there's too many of us already---But just because I want one now, that makes me wrong and I should be ashamed?? You are wrong. I know the earth is overpopulated. I know that more than most people. But I also know I have a lot of good things to pass along to the next generation.

Edit: Thanatopsis: I don't actually have a superiority complex. If you knew me you'd understand. We all get preachy about certain things. Don't tell me I have mental issues because of it.
For a long time I thought I'd never want a kid simply for the fact there's too many of us already---But just because I want one now, that makes me wrong and I should be ashamed?? You are wrong. I know the earth is overpopulated. I know that more than most people. But I also know I have a lot of good things to pass along to the next generation.

Pretentiousness and techniques for stapling a hanging labia to your thighs for simple entry are not good things to pass along to any generation.
Anyway back on subject------- I crave broccoli sometimes and like to eat it all the time then get tired of it for a while before it starts all over again.
Worse yet, why do they decide that those that don't are somehow selfish, meanwhile they pump out 5 or 6 of the things on the way to the welfare office.

What? Were you brought up in a ghetto or something? I can't even begin to relate to that comment.

just because I want one now, that makes me wrong and I should be ashamed?? You are wrong. I know the earth is overpopulated. I know that more than most people. But I also know I have a lot of good things to pass along to the next generation.

Good for you. You don't need to explain yourself either.

And congraulations again to Lurch who's getting married this month and will be a dad later this year.
What? Were you brought up in a ghetto or something? I can't even begin to relate to that comment.

Good for you. You don't need to explain yourself either.

And congraulations again to Lurch who's getting married this month and will be a dad later this year.

Ali, you must live in a white neighborhood. :Smug:

Congrats Aurel!! :kickass:

Susperia, don't make the same mistakes with your offspring that your parents made with you. :ill:
I have no problems with people having 1 kid, 2 well I can live with that too, despite their being too much of this.

The fact is, there are people out that constantly shout how they "love children" and yet they have no parenting skills, no money, shit job, shit house, live in a shit neighborhood and are in no mental or physical state to have a child...

But this is ok. Because none of those things will contribute to the development of a child, right?

But at the same time, if somebody chooses not to have a kid for whatever reason, they are selfish. I've heard this argument, I know people who get this argument all the time, sometimes from their parents.

And all of this just makes me angry, when you see all this people shouting "I WANNA GET KNOCKED UP" because I'm sure that 60% of them will rush into it and end up with a fucked up relationship and a fucked up child. I'm not even directly accusing Susperia of this, I just really hate seeing this shit.

What? Were you brought up in a ghetto or something? I can't even begin to relate to that comment.

No, but have you ever noticed how the poor/uneducated generally have more children? Then for example here, there is a thing called "kindergeld", so child money. Which results in poor people (often immigrants :() having tons of children in order to receive this money, and basically ignoring their childs development.
(similar to hobos with dogs in canada.)
There are certain districts in berlin where there isn't a german kid in the school to be found. And have these kids come only when they want to hang out with their friends. The parents don't care... until they get reported and the government threatens to cut off their monthly payments of child support.

edit: WTF!! GRATS LURCH MY NIGGA! Now about the math people might do....

edit2: I suck at ranting on forums, I forgot half of the other points I wanted to make, and now have no time to do them. Meh, you guys get the idea, its a touchy topic for me. (in that whole misanthropic, easily infuriated by human stupidity kind of way)

I think I haven't told you guys but I'm officially snus free since last friday. With the new year a raise of tobacco taxes followed, the tin size was decreased and the new price for snus is now 6.883404 U.S. dollars for a tin. Fucking sucks.